Archive | July, 2014

Top 10 Things Ruin game for me

29 Jul

This slimar list to my top 30 annoying about gaming could possible called small version to the point. Gaming Ruin because the creator team time to time.

10) Online Passes

9) Pay DLC

8) DRM

7) Gaming breaking glitches

6) Bad level design

5) Bad Controls

4) Bad Friendly A.I

3) QuickTime events

2) Lacking content

1) Short Game

My own character called Nostaglic Nerd

29 Jul

Maybe not know when first starting video games, movies, other things. I thought name for my internet Citric/Reviewers. The name is: Nostalgic Nerd. The reason by name because love Nostalgic things and also because Nerd about things.

Something note: Do more then Reviewers of things. Could said I’m jack of all traits when come the word Nerd and Nostalgic in the name.

If could name 5 Internet Citric/Reviewers were my own character share traits there are

5) Spoonyone

4) The Blockbuster Buster

3) Nostalgic Citric

2) Film Brain

1) Angry Joe

My way of posting is mainly writing because using clips for stuff is very hard because company made never hear make no profit in there life.

One of my cancellation first and second text community in fact was can because a-hole Movie company was monkey on my back because non profit community of two there movies.

I try everything get post on YouTube and Dailymotion. Company found there way to slap in face about it. First the movie company allowed people post there content. Then kick anyone post the movie or movies make no profit over it. Put the movies on demand services like YouTube for money. Similar to Online Passes for Video Games in my mind.

End this little rant: I learned something actors and creators are much better then company. Not like the company don’t slap you in the face for annoying reasons.

I’m not best writer in the world. So I try my best on writing things mainly like hearing feedback when not on my subject my grammar and spelling. I truly hate when people insult me, mean, hatefully in Any sharp or form. Also hearing about people dislike my review just because don’t agreed with my score. When people give video-games, Movies, TV Shows I enjoyed bad scores. I don’t call there opinion to me it is: not give a chance to be good.

That something have know Reviewers, Internet Citric in Real-Life and Internet are: Mix Bag about it. I`m personal are someone maybe hate something but later go back watch or played to give another chance for reasons maybe little hard on it.

Two people have text community about one of my old stuff. I have read text community’s all about my mistakes, grammar and spelling is not the best, other-things. All the stuff talk about stuff all know that need work. I don`t why pick some of the oldest things write by me. Least there are mean, hatefully, jerk ones are found on websites like Maybe think under freedom of speech or criticism. To me just showing there are group of people that waste there time being a-hole to other people in any sharp or form.

This complete the reason why don’t watch community about Irate-Gamer, other people know there going be more hate-speech, stuff all know in the first-place. People love jumping on the bandwagon.

Watch Dogs Disappointing things

28 Jul

Note: This list of Disappoing things about Watch Dogs mix between PS3/Xbox 360 and PS4/Xbox One version of the game.

1) No Blind Fire feature in the Cover system

2) Sometimes long loading times

3) Too much ammo in the game

4) All weapons in the same category use the same ammo

5) Only one item to purchase in Cafe, Bars, Restaurants

6) Can’t custom or change the skin on weapons

7) Can only get custom version of gun or new skin for gun by complete side activities in the game.

8) Force Slealth missions

9) The only way by knock then out missions, side missions, activities.

10) Annoying time to time missions, activities

11) Loss Online Xp if don’t win the online match or die in the online match

12) Can’t pliot any flying craft in the game

13) There is no easy way to choose your favorite weapon. When there more then 4 weapons in the same category. Not like The Elder Scrolls, other games where have user friendly quick weapon change system.

14) Can only maximum of 4 players in Online Race. (Xbox 360/PS3 Version)

15) There is only one online mode that you can more then 2 players. (PS3/Xbox 360 Version)

16) Annoying at times mini-games

17) Having Quick time events in the game

18) You Can’t Shoot While Driving

19) Can’t replay story missions

20) Lacking content in PS3/Xbox 360 version of the game.

21) O.k. at best soundtrack

22) Round- limts

Top 10 Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas DLC Weapons

27 Jul

This is a sequel to my top 10 Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas weapons.

10) Double-barrel shotgun from Point LookOut

9) .45 Auto SMG from Honest Hearts

8) Holorifle from Dead Money

7) Red Glare from Lonesome Road

6) FIDO from Old World Blues

5) K9000 cyberdog gun from Old World Blues

4) Christine’s COS silencer rifle from Old World Blues

3) Infiltrator from The Pitt

2) Survivalist’s rifle from Honest Hearts

1) Elijah’s advanced LAER from Old World Blues

3 Reasons Why I think Free DLC good for Video Games

27 Jul

1) Good way to promotion people to get the video game and download the DLC. GTA online is a huge example of this.

2) More people will download DLC if is free

3) Will improve sales of the video game itself.

Weapons don’t breaking and clothing in The Elder Scrolls Skyrim

26 Jul

Many months ago I found out in the game called The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Weapons and clothing don’t break. But weapons and clothing do break in The Elder Scrolls Oblivion prequel to Skyrim. My thoughts are less annoying but the same-time make the game less of challenge in ways. I hope Bethesda Studio bring back in the Next Elder Scrolls game. Also keep the element things break overtime in Fallout series.

I thought the creators were going to still use the weapons and clothing break overtime. In my mind thought were improve by when weapon is break it is automatically drop on the ground or have the option make the weapon as throwing weapon remove from yourself. For ex sword is break and then you throw the sword into a bandit near by killing him. Having the element of clothing damager overtime.

Also keeping with the ideas of repairing clothing or weapons with the same item that appearance in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas or bring back the repair hammer from The Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

My history with The Sims Games (Console) 2/2

24 Jul

The Sims game for PC were port to home consoles. By the First-game called The Sims 1 not like PC games. The Sims 1 to The Sims 2 had a story-mode where you have complete then new locations, new stuff, new goals. I have 4 games are category as The Sims console games:

There are:

1) The Sims 1 for PS2

2) The Sims 2 Pets for PS2

3) The Sims 3 for Xbox 360

4) The Sims 3 Pets for Xbox 360

I have play most of The Sims games for console and truly enjoy playing then. There are games only found on the console version of The Sims there are: The sims urbz in the city, The Sims Busting out. Something much enjoy and sadly only unit The Sims 3 for console. Was the mode of play where you can control your Sims directly without pointing, clicking. I was hoping the feature come back for The Sims 3 for consoles but sadly that ideas never happen for The Sims 3 Console Version, The Sims 3 Pets Console Version.

The Sims console games did have moments where that made me think: The class Angry Video Nerd: What were they thinking

I’m really hoping Microsoft would release Xbox and Xbox 360 The Sims Games on Xbox Marketplace. I would love to Play The Sims 2 on Xbox again and see if could complete the story, other games. Something truly sucks is the saving has more limits then The Sims PC court-part. For ex: The Sims 2 you could have only one save at time. Slimiar thing to Dead Rising 1 for (Xbox 360).

The Sims 3 and The Sims 3 Pets for Console had features to share things like PC version. But saidly EA shutdown then for both The Sims 3 and The Sims 3 Pets console version.

What truly didn’t help those games were

1) Dumb ideas having Online-Pass feature on both games

2) The Sims 3 and Pets Never being on Xbox 360 Market-place

I love Sims console games and I truly hope that The Sims 4 get there console versions. I wish the game would come-out on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4.

Top 11 Soundtracks of Gaming

24 Jul

1) The Elder Scroll Games

2) Halo Games theme song

3) Call of Duty Game Theme Songs

4) B.L.A.C.K.

5) Hitman Games

6) Fallout Games

7) Sonic The Hedgehog games

8) Mario Games

9) Burnout Games

10) Commander & Conquer Gernald Games

11) The Sims Games

Spell Check is not helpful all the time

24 Jul

This ideas come from getting a comment of someone who recommendations more spell check on my things, and also re-correct me one of my sentences in the story I post on the internet. Here something truly dislike when people comment about things you know about all-ready. In this case I all know a part of the dialog in the sentence of the story was not correct. One of the reasons don`t go back edit because by editing I don`t learn my mistake of spelling, also spell check some-times not helpful at all. Worst thing about spell-check: Some-times complete off the word you are trying spell correctly.

I don`t like get comments about: my spelling, grammar, re-correcting words, spell-check, other-things. I have explain number of reasons. Few more reasons are show my non prefect grammar, spelling got in the way.

Also Another reason is: I would rather hear your feedback about the story or video or picture look past stuff like the quality, grammar & spelling, other-things.

I`m someone who look past things like grammar, spelling, quality. When give my two-cents about things in real-life, on the internet is about things like the plot-holes, plot it self, the characters, etc.

6 Characters think share personality trades

23 Jul

1) Hiccup from How to train dragon 1,2

2) SpongebobSquard Pants from TV series, movies

3) Kodi from Balto 3 in Wings of Change

4) Charlie Barkin from All dogs go to heaven 1,2, series, An Dogs Christmas

5) Balto from Balto 1,2,3

6) Edward from Full Mental Alchemists