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The most annoying thing about Writing in any Fandom as a Fan or content creator

13 Jun

You have use the materials that are put in stone Setting, events, etc. Fans dislike when the Fan-made story or stories or content creators uses the same elements again, again but don’t think thenselfs there is not endless amount idea’s when are keeping the story cannon, stick with the characters personality, universe that live in. There is all-way people want someone change up the formula but at the same-time people are annoyed that is not the same old things.

My point-view: I don’t really care about and the reason because: I know making content is challenging time to time. Those people maybe said there opinion but more like turn back away from  fandom. Being too critical, being too negative never helps in my book.

My thoughts people attack, insult for something like or love something

11 Jan

I have know people love attacking, insult anyone like or love something that hate with words like: your idiot, stupid, dumb, etc. Those people are observed there are people enjoying something hate that is pretty sad. Why does matter if someone like or love something that you hate.If not hurt anyone feels think o.k. there are people that enjoyed in the first-place. Not like the person or group of people a-hole to you about liking or love something. You didn’t see me insult people that like the PS4, Xbox-One have my reason why didn’t update the next-gen. Here is advice to anyone in fandom don’t listen to the haters, never stop making fan music, fan-art, fan-videos, fan-fictions.