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Where watch all Episodes of Futurama in English

26 Jul

I was original going said NetFlix but only has newer episodes but not the older episodes. Maybe because have the Canadian NetFlix or NetFlix there ideas having series but not having all the episodes of the series. Here is a link to Futurama Season Page with watchable links

The episodes are on YouTube for under $5.00 dollars for each episode. I said better idea’s watch on the internet  save money, free.

Top 5 Futurama Songs

14 Jun

Note: As a bonus give-out a link to listen the song for yourself

5) Hermes bureaucrat

Here is a link to the song

4) Robot Hell 

Here is a link to the song

3) Santa Claus

Here is a link to the song

2)  Don’t worry bee happy

Here is a link to the song

1) My Broken Friend

Here is a link to the song

A New Article about Futurama

14 Jun

I found a new article that said  Futurama should not come back on the air after the direct to DVD Movies. Here summer up the reasons Season 4, Direct to DVD movies ending was prefect, changes

Here is my reaction: I truly disagree. I like that Futurama return because the Futurama world still more stories to tell. I can agreed has loss some things but can’t classified the newer episodes so bad watchable. This article from someone does not like change in any sharp or form. This most common in any fanbase.

This easiest reason hate anything. I will give out more credit if got out this ideas.

My reaction to Futurama Getting canceled

14 Jun

Here is a link to the video:

My Broken Friend – Futurama song (Cover)

7 Jun

Here is a link to the video: