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Happy Canada Day

1 Jul

Target leaving Canada

7 Feb

I found news about U.S.A base store called Target is leaving Canada. I did found out: But we didn’t know how badly. Apart from the 17,600 minimum-wage workers now out of a job, it turns out the American big box megacorp owes cities, suppliers and landlords over $5 billion. It’s one of the biggest corporate bankruptcies in Canadian history.

Of course, that didn’t stop Target from paying its incompetent CEO Gregg Steinhafel — the man responsible for Target’s massive failure in Canada — a severance and benefit package worth $75.6 million — more than the severance for all 17,600 low-wage workers combined.

How many times have we seen this film? Huge corporation moves into Canada promising jobs, economic boosts and new shopping opportunities. Huge corporation demands and receives economic subsidies, tax breaks and massive borrowing perks from Canada. Huge corporation decides it isn’t worth it, bails, gives its CEOs enormous golden handshakes and working Canadians are left holding the non-recyclable plastic bag.

You’re not getting off that easy this time, Target. Pay your taxes and pay your debts now.

Here is a link to the petition:

What you know What Bullshit NetFlix Canada Version

15 Jan

NetFlix is streaming service can get in Canada, U.S.A. Great ideas in my book pay small fee watch TV shows, movies at home or anywhere in the country. The annoying part Canada version lacking movies, shows the American version has. As Canadian I pay the same amount of money, don’t get the movies, shows.

Can said because copyright reasons. I think because movie, TV shows company’s are very greedy. Have hear reports movie, shows remove there stuff off NetFlix because  not make enough money.

My reaction: by  doing  that you are promotion download illegal copys, watch then for free. This the reason why websites like, others so popular. Samething for people who don’t get on demand services slimiar to NetFlix.

That Bullshit

Wish GameFly was in Canada

22 Mar

I have hear about GameFly before where can rent, buy video-games.  Sound like great-ideas mainly because like rent video-games see if worth the price of buying it. The  problem only in U.S.A, and not Canada.  Used alot Block-Busters in Canada where rent games one of the problems ever rent copy of the video-game. Me a former co-student at Block-Buster we had take-out the online-play pass.  That was very annoying blame video-game company a-holes for that treating rent games, used-games like were piracy games. Roger used have you can rent games. Sad-thing didn`t do that anymore. I have know Red-Box trying come to Canada. I got said there list of games really lacking in ways. There is a total of: 50 games mainly think huge number but the same-times Red-Box more about movies. Trying be like Game-Fly, Net-Flix mix ideas.  I would love Game-Fly come to Canada or wish make a Canadian version like Game-Fly. Just like how there is Canadian version of Pet-Smart, Star-Bucks.