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Let’s Play of Halo 2

8 Sep

Here is a link to the playlist of this Let’s Play:

I’m in Love with Halo One Direction Spoof

21 Jul

Here is a link to the video:

3 Easy Halo 2 Skulls to Get

13 Jul

Here is a link to the video:

FriendShip is Magic using sound from Halo 1

12 Jul

I found a video someone showing that FriendShip is Magic using a sound from Halo 1. That is very interesting and the reason: Halo and FriendShip is Magic are not in the same category.

Here is a link to the video:

My favorite part of Halo 2

18 Jun

During the level called Gravemind there moment where enter a room war of Elites Vs. Brutes. Badass music plays in the backround. The song is called: Blow me away from Breaking Benjamin. The disappointing thing about The Master Chef (Xbox One) Collection did not bring back this song. There is few ideas to explain this reason: Copyright reasons or Breaking Benjamin could not remastered this song, other reasons.

Flood from Halo as Custom Scenarios

17 May

Halo series is a zombie virus called The Floor. In the video-game called Plague Inc is about releasing virus. Someone made a Custom Scenarios using the zombie virus. I found a video someone Lets play with this Scenarios.

Here is a link to the video:

Men of War Halo Mod

16 May

I found A halo Mod for the video-game called Men of War. Here is a link to download the mod:

Here is links gameplay video’s and names of the maps as well:

1) New Mombassa Jungle:

2) Assault on The Control Room:

Why I think Brutes, Eliets , Flood are annoying enemy’s from halo series

20 Feb

In series I call Brutes, Elites, Flood Annoying enemy’s. In this post want explain why three characters are annoying in my book, as well example positive side about each those three characters.

1) Flood

Good-thing: There are a good source of weapons, Grenada’s

Bad-thing: Some-times too many flood enemy’s at the same-time, Rocket Launcher flood are the worst

2) Elites

Good-thing: Playing as a Elite was a breath fresh air

Bad-thing: Invisible cloak make then harder to deal.

3) Brutes

Good-thing: There weapons are badass for example Warhammer from Halo 3, OST

Bad-thing: There Rage attack feels overpower, one level in Halo 2 called: Uprising where cliff-sides. So many-times die because Brute push me off the clff-hanger by there rage attack.

Halo 2 anniversary is not coming out on Xbox 360

20 Feb

I was going said this video game will be release on Xbox One, Xbox 360. But I’m sadly to report Halo 2 coming out on Xbox One.

My reaction: Annoyed as hell that just play Halo 2 in newer form. I have to get Xbox One to play the game. People, video game creators because limits with Xbox 360. We are taking about PS3, Xbox 360 two consoles that Sonic 06 opening , Syndicate Remake, other video  games. The graphics were so amazing to Me. I’m not normally someone who care about graphics in video game.

I’m annoyed by video game creators said cut things due to limits hardware Xbox 360, PS3 or don’t release the game for last gen. When know for fact PS3, Xbox 360 two consoles are old but are play to this day me, other people. Are two consoles would love see no cold shoulder activities by video game company’s, Microsoft, Sony.

Halo Hater on Facebook

13 Feb

I found a comment on Facebook said he play Halo for 1 minute. I want said the following really not give a video game chance at all.