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Someone think I’m Mexican

22 Feb

This weirdest YouTube comment got because non prefect grammar, spell.Slimiar people comment about said a word British way rather U.S.A. way.

Here is the comment:

Here is my replay: wow just wow. I think this person waste his life nip-picking onĀ  smallest thing. Feel like everytime this person click something should be prefect. If not prefect he judge you in any sharp or form.

Slimiar comment; I don’t what your saiding. I think those comments are waste of time. No one is prefect, the ironic think every yourself was not prefect in grammar, spelling sometime in your life. I would rather take a comment why you support Dusty x Ralph relationship. Rather judge me as a person.

Sometime rename the internet. Prefect Net because people get insult if your non prefect. The fact no one is prefect, better show respect to author. Why focus smallest thing that everyone is guilty of.