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Fallout New Vegas Mod Bass Cannon V2

27 Mar

Here is a link to download the mod:

Slient Hill Fallout New Vegas Playthought in English

15 Jun

When I was talking about Silent Hill Mod for Fallout New Vegas. I mentioned someone called:  ColeTrainxx doing a full Playthought of the mod.

Here is a link to the playlist of playthought of the mod:

Fallout New Vegas Mod Hill House

12 Jun

The info about this Mod is: The mod adds a new house near Devils gullet and Goodsprings cave, comes with Map marker. The place is secured with Force fields.

Key Locations

A) The Key for the gate is located in Devil’s gullet, and key for the house is on the workbench.

B) Old World Blues DLC is needed for the mod

Here is a link to the mod:

Fallout New Vegas Mod Dust as a Story

12 Jun

I found out some people think that Dust has no story and just: Gameplay Effects and Charges. But the honest truth that: Dust as a Story.

The Story DUST takes place 20 years after the events of New Vegas. As you explore you will slowly learn the story of DUST, but unlike vanilla Fallout, you are not the main character. You are simply a bystander, and must create your own story.

The Goal escape the Mojave. Sound simple enough. Help by from notes and keen observation, one may be able to learn of the exit.

Fallout Dust is very popular Mod. Have know huge amount of YouTubers doing playthoughts, Walkthoughts, Let’s Play of this mod. I want someone complete this mod.

Fallout New Vegas Mod Rogue the Sentry Bot Companion

12 Jun

This Mod focus having Sentry bot as Companion in Fallout New Vegas. Here is a link to the mod:

Alchestbreach Doing Fallout New Vegas called Dust

11 Jun

Dust a Mod for Fallout New Vegas take place in 20 years after the events of Fallout New Vegas. I have talk about this mod number of times. I’m happy report Alchestbreach is doing a Commentary Playthought of this mod. Here is a link to the first-part of the series:

Fallout 3, New Vegas Mod Flashlight

11 Jun

1)FlashLights when pipboy light is not enough all-way good ideas download FlashLight mod for Fallout 3, New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas

This list of useful mods for Fallout New Vegas

1) Flashlight Mod

A) Flashlight NVSE

Here is a link to the mod:

B) Flashlight NV

Here is a link to the mod:

Fallout 3

Here is a link to the mod:

Fallout New Vegas Mod Dust 2 to 6

11 Jun

2) Here is a link to it:

3) Here is a link to it:

4) Here is a link to it

5) Here is a link to it

6) Here is a link to it

Fallout New Vegas Mod Dust Streaming Season 7 and 8

11 Jun

7) Here is a link to it:

8) Here is a link to the video:

Did know Melissa Lewis from Fallout New Vegas

11 Jun

1) If the Courier still has the quest “They Went That-a-Way”, you have the option to ask if her accompanying Great Khans were with Benny. She will tell you that they did not, or they would tell her.

2) Melissa has a strong New Zealand accent.

3) She is one of the few named characters affected by the Sneering Imperialist perk.

4) It is revealed that Melissa’s mother is deceased from Chomps Lewis’ dialogue saying: “She’s my daughter. Takes a little too much after her mother, rest her soul, but she’s happy with the Great Khans, and that’s enough for me.”