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Prey 2 R.I.P.

9 Nov

I found-out video-game was looking forward was cancellation. I hate hearing the word cancellation under Video Games. Good or Bad I don`t think any video-game deserved the word cancellation. The Video Game was Prey 2 to a sequel to badass game of 2006 and the Grim Reaper in this story is: Bethesda Softward. The person who announcer was someone called: Pete Hines. Here is the words from him: Prey 2 had subsequently been canceled. Pete Hines statement as follows, “It was game we believed in, but we never felt that it got to where it needed to be – we never saw a path to success if we finished it. It wasn’t up to our quality standard, and we decided to cancel it. It’s no longer in development. That wasn’t an easy decision, but it’s one that won’t surprise many folks given that we hadn’t been talking about it. Human Head Studios is no longer working on it. It’s a franchise we still believe we can do something with — we just need to see what that something is.”[2]

My re-action: Bethesda Softward thank you for ruining a chance to see a sequel to Prey 1. Prey 1 was huge succession with postion reviews, and ever: the CEO of 3D Realms Scott Miller announced that the game was a commercial success on both PC and Xbox 360 with combined 1 million copies sold worldwide to date.
Prey is ranked third on Game Informer ’s list of The Top 10 Video Game Openings. Bethesda Softward: I really think shooting Prey 2 in the head was bad-ideas. If didn`t want finsh could possible sell to another company not being a-hole about it.