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Ryse Son of Rome sequel cancellation Money problems/Microsoft

15 Oct

Ryse Son of Rome a video-game only release on Xbox-One is not getting a sequel because money problems/Microsoft. This happens in video-games, movies being a company want made a sequel to something. Every that the game or move did not need a sequel at all. There is a number of reasons why have cancellation the sequel.

1) The video-game only on Xbox-One. If the game was also Xbox-360, other consoles being: PS3, PS4, PC would have improve the sales of the video-game. But asking Microsoft said to the company make the game only on Xbox One because Ryder Son of Rome know as launch-tittle for Xbox One. This game used be on Xbox 360 exclusive titles. Then turn into Xbox-One game.

2) Reviewers of the video-game: Ranging from 4 out 10 from to 8.5 out 10. Truly a mix bag of reviews of this video-game

3) Microsoft trying over the game Ryder license. Microsoft know as company who take over company in number of ways. Like Microsoft buying Rare making every game from that company makes only on Microsoft consoles. I can see person from each company argument in room about the rights to Ryder of Rome Sequel. Microsoft pressing the company sign over the game license. Later both company said: if we can’t make-up are minds we should just cancellation the sequel all together.

4) Crytek being in Money Problems: Money problems never help anyone as person or company.

Truly sad to see any sequel kill-off for number of problems. I was hoping see if the sequel was going be on Xbox One, and as well Xbox-360.