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My thoughts on Happy Trees Friends Copyright Video

25 May
If get a strike on YouTube account maybe have watch this video, and also take a short quest about it. Alot of people share there thoughts about this in a negative way. I fully agreed with it. There message posting anything is evil all-way need permission by a company. Non-profit, Fair-use, Entertainment that is word of fiction. Want you be Original, creative but everything done before. In way thinking the most Original is this:                              .Don’t you see the Original, Creative about it. The YouTube  narrator said the following: Original content makes YouTube interesting, and maybe become the next hit. The irony about it: Justin Bieber, Smosh, others got big over-using Copyright Content. Maybe think got permission from The company. Smosh got Pokemon Spoof takedown along-time after posting the video.
When I post original content get a maximum of 1-10 per views but when post video’s with copyright material over 10 views. This why people like Angry Video Nerd, others are so popular because use copyright content in there video’s. What if YouTube, and the internet. Had rules could not post anything copyright material. The Internet, YouTube would have original content but boring and samething over again. Using copyright material good way show your points or point-views about something, and show you are fan of something. Someone said the reason YouTube made this video promotion people on making original content.  I have made original content and the money amount earned was 1 cent over it. This another example why using copyright material makes bigger audience, and make some decent money off it.
Here is my thoughts: If your goal of the video or anything as form Entertainment. No sharp or form trying steal there content by not give out the content creators credit that all the companies deserved. No sharp or form was hatefully speech, hatefully expression, etc have talk about before. Copyright owners really dislike there fans, boss other people around best-ideas. I think everyone has there own version of this but in way someone using your copyright content is good. Asking some people see completely evil just like viacom policy is.
Here is two video’s explain copyright in make more sense:
1) Fair Use School: Response to YouTube’s Copyright …:

Films company attacking website

15 Jun

I have found out that TV show company’s and movies are attacking using there new pre-mediated attack on websites offering copyrighted content. Found report on that. The websites effect by this are youCartoon HD is down,,, Megashare.

YouCartoonHD will know was a significant offender, with thousands of consumers happy to admit that it was just too good to be true and too easy to download Cartoon HD and start using. CartoonHD also as own app that give you on the go ways to

All those websites that have list websites that offered new movies for free. This big no when company to the movie companies. The company’s have a ideas that Users now face the daunting decision of actually paying for the movies they watch online.

My thoughts can understand the company’s don’t like there content for free in any sharp or form. To me seeing there movies, TV-shows on the internet more more people become fans, and showing there are fans of this movie or TV-show. I maybe never hear of before or rare Movie or TV Show. When company`s are attacking websites hosting there movies, TV Shows almost like give a middle-finger to the fans, and also people who watch it. All the time movie, TV company`s are completely are reason why there Movie, TV Show become hard to found or rare by attacking anyone post on the internet. Every attacking people on websites like give fully credit to then, and also make non profit over the content. I would like if more company’s host there content own website or website hosting ads where can income, and region free.

Asking the company’s would rather people buying there movie, TV Shows or pay a free to website or on Demand service. Also like trying police there content on the internet. Ruin any change making new fans of it, and being easy view and found on the internet. I have know that the company’s are only one have the ideas police there content.

Fans and people who want it like me. Don’t care if free or not just matter in my language, if the company take down show much can be a-hole, pain in the butt. Also get the sense the people actoring, and creator like the fans and people who want it like me in the ways.

Here is a link to the two new Article I mix together for this