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Very helpful video about Google Adsense

26 Jul

I found very good video about tips if you are starting AdSense or make lower income. Here is a link to the video

Is a good ideas only use Google AdSense try make money

23 Jun

My dad told me a good ideas to use Google AdSense and not other ways. In ways he correctly when you see the words making money. I have a huge question real or fake.

In way Google AdSense good because easy, and Real because Google one of the major company on West of U.S.A. The only problem is that Google pay anyone when have a minimum 100$, and gives you money if someone click on you. Not the reason of hosting the ad.

My thoughts are this: Really unfair, and annoying.

Almost like picking your poison

A) Google AdSense 24 hours and 7 day Week Job. Uploading daily, Self Promotion yourself, etc.

B) Trying found a real way of making money without being victim of a con-art.

I pick A but because real but so challenging because Google ideas.

Google AdSense feel very low income

14 Jun

Today I made Page RGM between $3.00 to $7.00 in total I made one cent. I think know why Google Adsense with YouTube make more money because there ads don’t have a skip button. This mean you are force watch ads maybe found annoying, and dislike.

For the longest-time thought about using YouTube version but two major factions to deal with number 1 Companies breath down my neck because don’t understand YouTubers make videos as a form entertainment and never do any sharp or form copyright Infringement. Number 2 Increased amount of Haters feel make money is evil or something. Every that fact you need money pay the bills, help get better stuff, and also more content. Almost like someone: talking how hate micro-actions in free to play games fact without the microactions. The game never exists or become pay game.

No Estimated Earnings over Month of June in Google Adsense

10 Jun

I’m getting pageviews, clicks, RPM but no Estimated Earnings at all.