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Top 10 Annoying type of people on YouTube

27 Nov

YouTube is a Great website for Money, Fame, respect, other things. But at the same-time YouTube has people who don’t deserve the website.

1) Automation Dislike: Those type of people don’t give a video or live-stream chance in any sharp or form. Click on it just to dislike it. Pretty sad to think people waste there time search up videos, live-streams just to dislike them. Annoying part the same person or group of people can return. Over the same video if you re-upload it or do the same thing over your other live-streams, videos. One time I got the same person dislikes 3 of my videos in a row. My reaction was this:


Rather than focus on your channel you are disliking videos, live-streams without watching them. Judging a book by its cover always pay off right?.

2) Haters: Real Life, On the Internet always people are Jealous of other people success. Post mean, hateful comments, dislike your videos/live-streams, etc’s. Makes me think you don’t want to be successful yourself because are focusing on others. Always content nobody has done yet.

3) People that abuse Tittle of there video: There are channels on YouTube that make there tittle like this: HUGE Silly String Easter Egg Hunt Paw Patrol Shopkins Bunny Surprise Eggs for Kids Kinder Playtime. This a way of booting the video in Relevance Category of the Search. It’s annoying to scrap a tittle or a video just because someone abusing the title for there video. Sure happens to any one video. Your video is not classified as Relevance with the words but those people don’t abuse the title.

4) People that disagree your Opinion: Just because you have Opinion that doesn’t like. Attack you over it with words, dislikes, other things. When I disagree make a response with something called respect. But those people need to learn the lesson. Nobody likes someone who is a Jerk.

5) Spammers: I can understand people by accident spamming emails. Because you don’t know if the person saw your email on the topic, live-stream to get attention because of so many people watching it, other good reasons. But some people post ads for companies, websites. I block, report, delete their comments. As side-note: I don’t think saying you don’t any Subscribers on is classified as Spam/Self Promotion. It’s the same logic sharing your own with a group. It’s low self-esteem, sharings on the topic. I found out by saying I don’t have any  Twitch Followers on Twitch in Text room on Twitch. Ending the text with a Sad face. Not as a Self Promotion but a sign of low self-esteem over using other people with views, followers that I don’t have. The machine classified as Self Promotion, delete my message. People scold me for it. Same ideas with scold someone has depression disorder. Really makes them happy about themselves.

6) Fake Reporters: Its people who report your videos, account, live-stream for unfair reasons just because of Jealous, wants to be Jerk, other reasons.

7) People Posing as other people: On YouTube, the copyright system has always an abusement thing. There are people who are or were posing as a company or YouTube User to removes videos, live-streams. The total goal brings more Hate toward the person or group of people or company. Sometimes it’s hard to know if the company or person is fake or not. Feels like should be an ad for a website. Want takedown a YouTube user don’t like. Posing as Viacom will help you. I told my dad who is retried company lawyer. He was shocked, disappear at YouTube for good reasons.

8) People don’t understand your videos, live-streams, comment, etc: You would think people would understand you if it’s in there language but that is not the case. Everyone can be clueless about things time to time. You, your brain can understand it. The worst type of people under this category people who insult, mean and hateful toward you. Because think you are mean, heartless, other things. When it’s in-fact them making up crap on the spot.

9) People that Judge your voice: Me using my voice sometimes I get comments with F word for a Gay person, I’m too young, other things like that. Better to get know people first then judge them.

10) Advertiser Friendly: It’s annoying to think you can’t make any money off your videos sometimes. It’s the ideas you need the money or want some extra spending money. The irony News companies are o.k. to have ads over Nintendo over Charles Manson death, other things like that. Once you do those things YouTube love saying: You can’t do that. Advertisers can be a good thing but can be unfair time to time. Famous YouTubers and not Famous YouTubers can relate with this.

YouTube Unfair Rule and Law

30 Dec rules and laws are the following:

First Rule: Sexually explicit content like pornography is not allowed. There is more of this basically anything Porn-graph. You know the irony YouTube has those two things:

A) Age-restricted content In cases where videos do not cross the line but still contain sexual content, we may apply an age restriction so that only viewers over a certain age can view the content.

B) Restricted Mode location at the bottom YouTube Pages. Saying the following: Restricted Mode hides videos that may contain inappropriate content flagged by users and other signals. No filter is 100% accurate, but it should help you avoid most inappropriate content. Your Restricted Mode setting will apply to this browser only.

When the website already has two ways that are classified as Filter/Parent Control. Makes me have this reaction:

Here is a link to YouTube Rules and Laws:…

As bonus we are talking about this from YouTube: Join in and have fun. Remember that this is your community. Each and every person on YouTube makes the site what it is, so don’t be afraid to dig in and get involved. There’s a lot to see here, with lots of folks creating amazing stuff—one of them might be you! Equipment is getting cheaper and easier to use all the time, so dive in and enjoy.

Unit this company:

Does this again:

For the thousand time, companies, famous people. Here is what Companies, famous People toward YouTube:

Companies and Famous People I smell: Using other people content. Trying share enjoyment to the Internet and making a living over it. Let folks know what you think. Feedback is part of the experience, and when done with respect, it can be a great way to make friends, share stories, and make your time on YouTube richer. So leave comments, rate videos, make your own responses to videos that affect you, enter contests of interest—there’s a lot going on and a lot of ways to participate.

That is something like and love about YouTube show off and share off my thoughts over things, etc. But most of all, have fun with the site! We hope you’ll find something new to love as you get to know the community.

Hate Speech on YouTube and Google+

15 Nov
I want talk about something on my mind around the websites and Google. The problem is allowing Hate Speech. Hate-Speech is; speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits.

Some-people love and like the ideas confusing with Free-Speech. I like and love when YouTube and YouTubers don’t focus and use there right of Hate-Speech. Truly ruins the website for me, I’m asking other people as well. When I think of YouTube video-games, TV Shows, music, movies, other-things come to mind. Not the ideas dis-guarding people feelings and treating others the way you don’t want be treated.

My thoughts on Dislike Button on YouTube

6 Oct

I did talk about this a few-times. Here is my thoughts about-it: Abused, a tool over being a Hater. As I said in 7 Annoying things on YouTube. Myself has Dislikes videos on YouTube. Better ideas is commenting, Another ideas just leave the video. The same ideas if you dislike a user dont pay attention to then and there content. Using the Dislike Button should be called Jealous Button or Hater Button. That is what some people call the people dislike there content. I Love the rating system on FaceBook much better bring out position ideas-es on everything. Its annoying and un-needed thing on YouTube in my opinion.

The same ideas being negative and critical, nit-picking, other things like this. The worst part getting more attention from other people. More Successful you are the more you get Haters. Thinking to myself you know the irony rather then hating on someone. You can become successful yourself. Its just the easiest fact that some people dont understand that . There was a Petition over removing the dislike button. In Many ways I supported the ideas. Just like the commenting System is abused like mad.

R.I.P. Kitty0706

29 Jan

I found-out on January 25 the YouTuber username called: Kitty0706 die from Cancer. This heart breaking because huge fan of his video’s. First thought was prank or someone was trolling but no joke. Kitty0706 style making videos were random, fill with humor. I found-out about this person by Gmod video’s on YouTube.