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Review of Test-Drive 6 for PC

14 Jun

Test-Driver 6 for PC in the video-game franchise of the same-name

The opening of the video-game is: Show Cars and also the song hear my car song. The Opening of the video-game is cool mean the first-time play the video-game was wow cool opening of a video-game about racing.

The plot of the video-game is: There is no plot of the video-game is speak of at all. So made-up my own plot about that you have race in tournament in the video-game and that is it

Game-Play of the video-game is: There Tournaments mode this list all of the tracks in the video-game.

1) Pelton Raceway

2) Cape Hatteras

3) London

4) Ireland

5) Egypt

6) Rome

7) Lake Tahoie

8) Hong-Kong

9) New-York City

10) Switland

I didn’t if there other-tracks but the tracks list in the video-game this video-game has more then 5 tracks in the video-game

Tourment mode some-times has the same map but back-wards or in laps.

The Music is great but there is one problem you can’t change the song that mean if you are in a race and song you didn’t like you force to hear the hole song.

Also there a tool to reply your video and think also you can upload then to websites where you can upload video’s like because reply mode is prefect to show people.

Also there is Five-0 in this video-game but not as bad like in the video-game called Driver 1 mean in that video-games out your blood for the small-thing


+ Great music in the video-game

+ Fun video-game to play

+ The Opening is very great and you can see the music video of the theme song for the video-game4 mean


– There is customer way make maps in the video-game do know that this video-game on PC there is limit back when this video-game was newest video-game on the market but if the computer can make reply mode why could not make away to creator your maps it would be cool see people post there creator mode on then.

Like a map some-one who creator that is Rome, New-York, Lordon all in the same race

– If the song is playing the race you can`t change the song mean
you didn`t like the song sorry but you hear out the song

Final-Score: 88% B+