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Feeding the homeless is not a crime

1 Jul

I found this article very shocking someone friend was fine $2000 for feeding the homeless. The reason because doing actions of  Generosity should be awarded.

This backstory of the Petition: My friend faces a $2000 fine for feeding the homeless.

My friend Joan Cheever of The Chow Train was recently cited for feeding the homeless in a park in San Antonio, Texas. Joan has been feeding the homeless for the past decade. She feels it is her duty to help those less fortunate than her, and she does so by cooking up hot, locally-sourced meals for the poor. But recently, San Antonio officials have been cracking down on a practice that they say encourages the homeless to stay homeless. So they strapped her with a $2000 fine.

Tell the Mayor Ivy Taylor and the San Antonio City Council that feeding the homeless isn’t a crime. Change the law and allow good samaritans to feed the hungry.

My name is Abbie Altman I have known Joan for 3 years. She is a kind-hearted, feisty woman who cares about the very people that many others walk right by without so much as a glance. Since 2012, I too have taken up the fight against hunger. Together, our organizations have helped to provide more than 800 meals per week. Without organizations like ours, thousands would go hungry every day.

That’s why it is so important to stop San Antonio and other municipalities from criminalizing kindness. More than 71 cities around the country have or have attempted to pass laws that ban “food sharing”. But in times like these, with so many people feeling insecure about where their next meal will come from, city governments should be encouraging grassroots charity, not trying to stop it.

Do we really feel we can afford to criminalize goodwill?

Everyone, rich or poor, deserves to be treated like a person, not a public nuisance. Help me to help my friend Joan continue her mission of providing basic services to those less fortunate. Tell Mayor Ivy Taylor and the San Antonio City Council to drop the charges against Joan and change the ordinance to allow good samaritans to feed the homeless.

Here is  a link to the petition: