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Twilight Sparkle is Timmy Turner

17 Sep

Twilight Sparkle sound alot like Timmy Turner from Fairly Odd Parents. Both Characters voice by Tara Strong..

Timmy Turner is an average kid, That no one understands. Timmy Turner has Fairly Odd Parents Many adventures. For example: Timmy Turner becoming a superhero, Timmy Turner becoming a female, etc.

Twilight Sparkle horse/Human highly intelligence, sometimes childish, Terrible Meltdowns time to time, Worrywat, etc. People believe Twilight Sparkle has a mild or very mild case of Autism/Asperger’s syndrome. In many ways see the connection with the character. I classified Twilight Sparkle friends as the following:

1) Rainbow Dash: Cool kid with pride

2) Pinkie Pie friendly, happy, good nature with depression problems

3) Fluttershy: Shy/sometimes mad

4) Applejack: Hard worker, farm owner, southern accent

5) Rarity: Fashion Designer, Drama Queen, Good Nature.

Hearing those words from someone psychology notes: ”Twilight would have to have the most mild case of Asperger’s out there. It can be crippling to many people, but Twilight handles it with comparative grace. No, she doesn’t care much for social situations, and is a little eccentric, but it wouldn’t constitute a disorder, because it doesn’t cause her all that much in the way of anxiety. I’d say mild Asperger’s with a light touch of compulsiveness. Not Obsessive Compulsiveness, just a little compulsiveness”

Summer up Twilight Sparkle in my mind perfectly.

I found two fitting pictures:

1) The Fairly Odd Ponies

2) Great n’ Powerful Trixie Tang