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My Ideas Duke Nukem Forever Mod in Fallout New Vegas

15 Feb

I have comment want see Duke Nukem Forever in Fallout New Vegas. You have basic elements see Duke Nukem Forever  mod  the Hoove Dam, Vegas, The Desert, and as well someone made Duke Nukem Forever 1911 colt version in Fallout New Vegas. I`m challenging any Fallout New Vegas mod marker to bring this idea`s as a real thing. Here is a list of mods could help with this ideas as a starter-kit.

Weapons, item

1) Duke Nukem Forever Handgun colt 1911 Link

2) Portable Turrets

3) Combat Shorty Shotgun

4) Railgun

I did out was going Railgun in Fallout New Vegas but never made the cut

Link Railgun maybe want use

5) Shrink Ray

Reply to comment me talking about someone Duke Nukem Forever

13 Feb
I post Journal-entry about this: I disagreed with negative reviewers of Duke Nukem Forever.
Here is the comment I got: : One thing that I strongly SUGGEST you learn is that REVIEWS are subjective in nature. Just as there will be people that like the game, there will be an equal amount of people that will dislike the game. Instead of taking it personally, as your journal entry clearly demonstrates, simply shrug off the negativity and realize you liked the game and go with that.

A good (and extremely snarky) way of looking at reviews can be summed up by taking a visit to Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw’s reviews and particularly watching this rather wacky video, which covers rather nicely the pros and cons of READING/viewing other people’s reviews.

My reply: I do know reviews, and write my own reviews. Those reviews just talk about more like the person never give the video-game a  chance at all and called my review. I all-way know there people spirt between hate or like something. The point of my Journal-Entry to share my light with video game Critic reviews of Duke Nukem Forever highly dis-agreed with, and feel not give the video-game a chance at all.