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Review All dogs go to heaven the series episode 4 Puppy Sister

2 Jan

This a Review of episode 4 of The TV-series called All dogs go to heaven
the series.

The tittle of this episode is: Puppy Sister

The plot of this episode: Sasha walking on the streets and Charlie ask Sasha
if Sasha want a ride. Itchy pulling the kart for Charlie. Charlie ask if
Sasha want then Romance ride thought the park. Sasha tells Charlie that no
she & Charlie at all. Hm weird because in the second-movie at the end of the
movie Charlie & Sasha look true fall in love and every kiss. Get mentioned
that Sasha look another dog that not like Charlie has trait that she

Charlie think he has trait but Sasha tell him he does not have because used
his friend pull his kart. Charlie tells Itchy to slow little-bit and Itchy
going down a hill and Charlie & Itchy are both rolling down a hill. Sasha
tells Itchy & Charlie that she going see then later. So Charlie & Itchy both
crash into a stop sign and also hear crash sounds. So Charlie & Itchy
recover from the crash. So Charlie & Itchy are walking though a alley-way.
Charlie talk Sasha is refuse how a good-time. So Charlie talk that Sasha
hard to get and also Charlie ask one female not impression. Itchy know
Annabelle and Charlie talk how Annabelle is wet blank. Annabelle get
detention from Charlie. Annabelle is wearing blue-coat and Annabelle didn’t
wear a blue coat in the second-movie at all.

Annabelle tells Charlie & Itchy that she has mission for both then.
Annabelle tells Charlie & Itchy the mission and the mission . Doing the
mission Charlie want break Annabelle word briefing the mission. The mission
about a poor little puppy lost in the city need there help. During Annabelle
briefing Charlie & Itchy about the mission. Charlie break the way Annabelle
is get hold of Charlie & Itchy to talk there mission. Charlie tells
Annabelle that she breaking-up and Charlie refuse to the mission. Annabelle
tells Charlie that wild puppy need home and Annabelle is losing transmission
to Charlie & Itchy.

Charlie tells Annabelle that have bad transmission on there end. Itchy tells
Charlie that help the puppy. Then Annabelle tells that Charlie & Itchy are
the puppy can only help. Also Annabelle is now wearing clothing from the
second-movie. Charlie is agreed do the mission and Charlie ask where do
found the puppy. We hear noise near by sound like a puppy. Annabelle tells
Charlie & Itchy found where the puppy is location. So Annabelle say good-bye
to Charlie & Itchy. Charlie & Itchy found the puppy will meat store-keeper
will the puppy. The store-keep of the meat store ask how long the city pound
come to get the puppy.

Then puppy start biting his hand. Charlie & Itchy go inside get the puppy.
T-bone land on Itchy and Charlie hold on puppy as be chase by meat
store-keeper. So Charlie & Itchy get-out of the store. The meat store-keeper
run into a mail-man. So Charlie & Itchy are will the puppy. Charlie tells
Itchy that Charlie save the puppy. So Charlie tells Itchy that he got T-Bone
streak. Then puppy get the T-bone streak but think it’s glitch there no
animation of puppy get the streak and also there no animated of puppy jump
little bit to get the T-bones streak from Itchy. Charlie tells Itchy that
after found puppy a home and then both can have T-bone streak.

Itchy tells charlie to look at the puppy. The puppy get the T-bone streak
and eat the hole-thing. Puppy fall the left-over of the meat and the meat
leftover hit Charlie in the head. So Charlie want found a puppy a home soon.
So Charlie & Itchy drop out the puppy at house and ring the door bell.
Father of the house-hold bring the puppy into the house. Then few
minutes or few secs the puppy lost home. Wow that was quickly the
puppy does not have home anymore not every one-day or two days.

Charlie think if that family does not and Charlie think that no family
will take the puppy. Itchy think the puppy could stay him & Charlie.
Charlie tells Itchy that all-ready did the mission about found home
for the puppy and if the puppy is out not both there problem. Charlie
tells the puppy not follow both then. So Charlie & Itchy go to The
Flea Bit. Sasha at the Flea Bit and Sasha called Some-one cute and
Sasha walk-over to Charlie & Itchy. But Sasha walk past Charlie &
Itchy. We found that think Sasha the puppy that has following Charlie
& Itchy is cute. Sasha ask if Charlie own the puppy and Itchy start
telling Sasha have Charlie want dump the puppy. Charlie make Itchy no
speak anymore. Charlie tells Sasha that he & Itchy own the puppy unit
found good home. Sasha tells Charlie that she found another-side of
him and Charlie ask date will Sasha. Sasha tells that no her & Charlie
but Sasha tells Charlie both can have dinner together. Sasha leaves
the Flea Bit and Charlie tells that he & Sasha can see each. Itchy
tells that both have take-care of the puppy. Charlie tells Itchy that
for the hole-night Itchy take care of the puppy and he going take care
of Puppy tomorrow.

Itchy tells Charlie that he didn’t that Charlie like the puppy. So
Charlie & Itchy show Puppy there apartment. So puppy destroy pillow
that belong to Itchy. Charlie talk about the puppy is a animal and why
the humans kick-out. Itchy tells Charlie that he confused that
one-time Charlie like puppy and other-time Charlie didn’t like the
puppy. Feel like case of mood swings about the puppy. Charlie get
ready for his dinner will Sasha and Itchy tells Charlie that he
realize the only reason why Charlie & him take care puppy that Sasha
going like Charlie. Charlie tells Itchy that not true and Charlie
tells Itchy that take-care of puppy because the right-thing and if
Sasha like Charlie that is o.k. Itchy does that the reason why him &
Charlie take-care of the puppy is because the right-thing and also
Sasha like Charlie for that o.k.

Itchy think that Charlie only thing of his and Itchy tells Charlie
that he can do some-thing for puppy. Charlie tells Itchy that he going
some-thing for puppy but tomorrow because he dinner will Sasha.
Charlie start leave for his dinner will Sasha and Itchy tells Charlie
that he promised to put to bed first. So Charlie give puppy very quick
bath and Itchy ask why didn’t Charlie use any soup. Charlie tells
Itchy that didn’t get any soup in puppy eye’s. So the puppy see a
butterfly and start chase it around the room and also at the same-time
Puppy is destroying stuff to catch the butterfly. Itchy talk about how
puppy not ready for bed. Charlie tells Itchy have puppy stay-up unit
he go bed. So Charlie leaves thought a window and it’s reminder of the
window William from Titanic: The Animated Movie the character does not
use the door get out room but break a window and go out the window.
Can say only-time and no other-episodes have scene of Charlie leaving
will use window. As Charlie is leaving thought the window Charlie
tells Itchy that he going at dinner place that Sasha is meeting at the
dinner-place is on rooftop. So Itchy start watch TV and the puppy is
still chase the butterfly.

Itchy fall to sleep and Puppy is still chasing butterfly and puppy is
get caught on nail. Butterfly leave on Itchy noise and Puppy get to
Itchy nail to get the butterfly. Itchy has wake-up and Itchy see puppy
on his noise. So puppy go out the window and Itchy know puppy went out
the window. Puppy fly for the night and land’s some not close Itchy

At Dinner-place where Charlie & Sasha have there dinner. Sasha think
it’s romance and both hear sound that can’t put there finger on it and
sound like that puppy. Charlie make comment that Sasha like. Charlie &
Sasha going have kiss like from the second-movie. Itchy show-up at the
place and wave to Itchy. Itchy tells Charlie that puppy went out the
window. Charlie tells Itchy that the puppy is save and he can found
back there apartment. Itchy tells Charlie that the puppy does not
where apartment is. Itchy want him & Charlie go looking for the puppy.
Charlie tells Itchy that can do search in the morning.

Itchy want him & Charlie out searching for the puppy right-now.
Charlie tells Itchy that puppy can handle for 1 hour or 2 hours. Itchy
realize that Charlie more into the date then will the puppy. Charlie
tells the true that only reason why he want look after the puppy is
because Sasha like that puppy. Sasha hear over Charlie telling the
true. Sasha not happy will Charlie at all. Sasha ask that Charlie
never puppy and helpless and scary and along. Sasha leave and say
good-bye to Charlie. I think Sasha really summer-up what think Charlie
has be in this episode. So Charlie realize Sasha is right and Charlie
want tells Sasha that but Charlie walk into a kart of food. So Charlie
not the best-mood and Itchy ask if Charlie is o.k. and Charlie tells
Itchy that now he want found the puppy.

So Charlie & Itchy going the hurt to found Puppy. So Charlie ask Itchy
if he found the puppy. Charlie & Itchy both know puppy is on hill in
the park. Charlie & Itchy and puppy all sleep together unit the
morning. The Next-day a dog-caughter in the park to caught some-dogs.
The dog-caughter in the park next morning is the same dog-caughter
from episode 2. So Charlie & Itchy are hiding from the dog-caught.
Charlie ask Itchy why hiding from the dog-caught and Itchy tells
Charlie that didn’t end-up at dog-pound. Charlie tells Itchy that if
puppy go to the dog-pound maybe found a good home. So Charlie & Itchy
put the puppy out of there hide-place. Puppy get caughter by the
dog-caughter and now take to the pound.

Charlie & Itchy think that have really complete the mission. So
Annabelle come-in and now Annabelle look like she has basket-ball
T-shirt. The reason why Annabelle want get hold will Charlie & Itchy
to see how the mission is going. Charlie tells Annabelle that puppy
going to go good home as speak. Annabelle is happy about that.
Annabelle tells that she think that wild wolf puppy will City dog’s
bit a trouble. That means the hold time the puppy that Charlie & Itchy
was look after wild wolf puppy. Annabelle told Charlie & Itchy that
the reason why both took the wold puppy into the forest. Charlie tells
Itchy that he realize both screw-up the transmission during briefing
was not the best-idea. I think Charlie screw-up the briefing from
Annabelle about the mission was not the best-idea.

It’s weird that Annabelle never realize that Charlie & Itchy never
took the puppy to the woods in the first-place because the puppy that
Charlie & Itchy try found home was wold puppy all this time. Maybe
one-reason why Annabelle never know it’s because Charlie screw-up
transmission did some-thing that not good. Charlie tells Annabelle
that wolf puppy now has home in the forest. So now Charlie & Itchy
have take the wolf-puppy to the forest to true complete the mission.
Charlie & Itchy are running to get wolf-puppy before he go the
dog-pound. Charlie realize the puppy was trouble because the puppy was
wolf puppy.

So the dog-caughter not yet at the dog-pound. So Charlie & Itchy try
chase after the dog-caughter van. So Charlie & Itchy know a truck that
open back. So Charlie is back of the truck and Itchy trying going back
in the truck. Itchy get in the back of truck will Charlie. Both know
that truck that on not the same-way as dog-caughter van has the puppy
inside. Charlie know in the back of the truck there rollerblades. So
Charlie & Itchy put the rolllorblades and get out the truck when the
truck go a hill.

Charlie & Itchy are now going the same-way the dog-caughter van.
Charlie tells Itchy hand-on the back of the dog-caughter van. But
Itchy miss and does not hold to the back of the dog-caughter van.
Charlie hold back of the dog-caughter van. So Itchy go and pass the
dog-caughter van and the dog-caughter does not want hurt Itchy. So
Dog-caughter drive right & left. Charlie is still hang on to back of
dog caughter van. So one of door from dog-caughter van open. The wolf
puppy now can be see and Dog-caughter drive in a fire hydrant. So the
dog-caughter van hit the fire hydrant and Charlie has the wolf puppy
and drive dog-caughter is o.k. as well.

Some-also Itchy fly into the sea and then next Charlie & Itchy and
puppy all in the forest. So Charlie & Itchy say good-bye to the puppy.
So the puppy going his new happy family and the mother of the family
make eye’s contact will Charlie. Charlie tells Itchy that he forget
Sasha and run will the wolf’s. Itchy tells Charlie that he better has
street-dog and Charlie & Itchy run-out the area to back to the city.

The End


+ The puppy that turn out be wolf puppy is so cute

+ Get mentioned that no Sasha & Charlie. Hm that weird because in the
second-movie Charlie & Sasha were love and also kissing few-times in the
movie. The mentioned that Sasha looking another dog does not have Charlie
personality that she does not like. Why is good-thing give little of
back-story why Sasha & Charlie not in love in TV-series


– There color problem where in one scene Annabelle is blue coat and in
another screen Annabelle has white coat from the second movie. Also when
didn’t see Annabelle on screen she has blue coat. Another scene Annabelle
look like she basketball T-Shirt. As before think color problems and also
what Annabelle wearing this episode. Like one scene is wearing blue coat and
another scene Annabelle is white coat from the second-movie and another
scene Annabelle is wearing T-Shirt.

This bad-thing because think have color problems not the best-idea and no
again why have change what Annabelle is wearing in the episode. I was think
stay will the blue coat. I do know that the white from the second-movie
movie and think maybe use for all other Annabelle is in the episode. I do
know that Characters do change what wearing but was think use blue coat or
white coat for more scene that Annabelle is in but no make Annabelle wearing
a basket-ball T-shirt later in episode. I didn`t think Annabelle play
basket-ball or like basket-ball at all and also think look weird on
Annabelle in the first-place.

– Little-bit of glitch like when the puppy get the meat from Charlie. Puppy
does not anything the meat go the puppy and the puppy start eat the meat.
Some-one didn’t realize there animation glitch when make the episode

Final-Score: 94% A The good-thing’s in this episode Wolf puppy was so cute,
Get mentioned one of reason why that why no Sasha & Charlie in the
TV-series. Bad-thing’s color problems, little-bit of glitch’s. This
episode didn’t have problems but over all this episode is stilling
going get very great mark.

This end of my review of episode 4 of All dogs go to heaven the series.
Next-time be review Episode 5 of All dogs go to heaven the series. The name
of episode 5 of All dogs go to heaven the series called Dog in the house.

Top 10 Canines

15 Jun

10) Jenna from Balto 1,2,3

9) Bolt from Bolt movie

8) Thunderbolt from 101 Dalmatians, the series 101 Dalamatins 2 Patch Adventure

7) Balto from Balto 1,2,3

6) Chop from GTA 5

5) Charlie Barkin from All dogs go to heaven 1, 2, the series, An Dogs Christmas Carol.

4) Dog meat from Fallout 3

3) Aleu from Balto 2 Wolf Quest

2) Ducky from Johnny Test

1) Rex from Fallout New Vegas

Nostalgia Critic Spoof

28 Mar

This spoof of what if The Nostalgia Citric review the TV-show called All dogs go to heaven the series. Yes the same TV-show review the hole TV-show. One-thing about Nostalgia Citric review TV-show he only review three episodes. Will do the same-thing. Also in this this spoof review of the of TV-show found what will the Nostalgia Citric say and talk in this review. Also didn’t own Nostalgia Citric show in any form at all and also the only thing do is almost like what if the Nostalgia Citric review a TV-show called All dogs go to heaven the series.

Hello I’m Nostalgia Critic you know what TV-show time is another review in Raider of The Story Arc. This time review a TV-show called All dogs go to heaven the series. I have never heard of this TV-show but have watch episodes of TV-show will give my thoughts about this TV-show.

Let take a look at the opening of the TV-show. Will the opening of this TV-show is happy enjoyed song and also have know Dom Deluise is in this TV-show. Will hope turn-out for the best Dom Deluise in this role and not like his role in The Magic Voyage still that Movie has weird moments. The Opening is good but with those new-characters will think this not the same All dogs go to heaven the movie that tittle of this TV-show is based on.

The first-episode is The Doggie Truth

Charlie is talk with another dog turn-out be Itchy Itchyfold. I have realize one-thing Charlie and Itchy are not in New Orleans or in dog-heaven. It’s because this based on the second movie that why Charlie & Itchy in San Francisco and not New-Orleans or dog-heaven Charlie be dog-heaven like in ending of All dogs go to heaven 1. As well with the name work with the tittle of this TV-show by now will All dogs go to heaven 2 the series. Will make the creators think was better have name All dogs go to heaven the series.

Charlie & Itchy has a mission. Hm when did Charlie & Itchy go mission oh forgot this based on the second movie and not on the first-movie at all. Charlie & Itchy is a save a cat from dangerous. Charlie and Itchy almost complete there mission. But Charlie hungry get the better of him. Charlie want a Ham-Burger that he want to eat.

Itchy is looking out what have save the cat from. Charlie waiting for his food. Then the food go on the ground look like Charlie has eat from the ground. Charlie know the person who sell food is Killer. Hm make no sense mean this based on the second movie and Killer was not in second movie at all. Also not like Killer is a new character he come from the first-movie.

So Charlie think of hungry Charlie & Itchy failure there is mission or in other words Charlie & Itchy epic failure. Then from the cloud’s light come-down. What is Angle whipped from the first-movie try to hurt Charlie & Itchy for failure a mission for Dog-heaven. So Charlie & Itchy run into to each and in the light. The light does not hurt Charlie & Itchy at all but make go in the cloud’s.

Charlie & Itchy are back in Dog-heaven. Also Charlie & Itchy in clothing like in the first-movie. Angle-Whippet get name called Annabelle is not happy with Charlie & Itchy on failure missions. Also Annabelle is voice by Bebe Neuwirth and it’s the same lady who was Lilith from the TV-show called Cheers. Then Annabelle tells how many missions have failure and also it’s over 2 mission and also Annabelle tells the reason why failure the mission in the first-place. So Annabelle is give Charlie & Itchy a second change if complete a mission.

Charlie & Itchy go back to earth and fall into a Fouratian will better then be face down on the road or side-walk got say. Itchy want him and Charlie to a mission make then keep do there job. Mean think what Charlie & Itchy job any-way will Annabelle tells Charlie & Itchy failure stuff that mean Charlie & Itchy job to do missions for dog-heaven.

Itchy want him & Charlie a mission to keep there job but Charlie want have fun with Sasha. Mean guess who in the heck is Sasha will in the opening of this TV-show is a dog name Sasha and also she voice by Sheena Easton from yet from a another TV-show review early called Gargoyles as a recurring character in the TV-show

So Charlie & Itchy go to Sasha place. Charlie know his favorite Pool Table outside and also Charlie is not happy about. Also didn’t know Charlie like Pool in the first-place. Carface and Killer kick Sasha out of the place. Also as said every she is voice by Sheena Easton. Charlie & Itchy going help Sasha take back her place. Also the place is called The Flea Bite Cafe.

Charlie found-out by Annabelle that he can`t say some word and limit of his job at this time. Also every-time Charlie say a word at all in loud form or light form. Annabelle hit Charlie.

So Charlie & Itchy go into the flea Bite Cafe that has be in Video-game Arcade. Charlie and Itchy hear Carface & Killer plans. Also Carface & Killer are make income with turn Sasha business into video-game Arcade. So Carface & Killer are doing work over the city. Charlie & Itchy and also Sasha are following Carface & Killer

So Carface & Killer are get cut from a Cat. What did Carface become The God-father or some-thing. Sasha and Itchy going with the plan take-out a some-place on the pier. That get Killer and Carface want found-out about that for then self.

Killer and Carface go to the docks. Killer & Carface found a boat and also Killer & Carface go into the boat. Carface & Killer found two girl that real Charlie & Itchy dress-up has female dogs. Carface & Killer try go into casino part of the boat. But Charlie stop Carface & Killer from opening the door to Casino because members only and as well Carface & Killer going found there is no Casino at all.

Charlie & Itchy only with allowed Carface & Killer going into the casino if show there geneture man. Caraface & Killer get–out for not show there gentyurent. Carface found Sasha near bye. Carface ask Sasha how he can actor genturent and also then Carface has a music-number him. After the music-number Charlie & Itchy give the key-up but first Charlie & Itchy would like Carface give-up the deed to The Flea Bite Cafe. Carface & Killer give-up the deed to The Flea Bite Cafe.

Charlie & Itchy run-away from the area and also Carface & Killer going into the casino. The hole place fall on him. At the Flea Bite Cafe. Charlie & Itchy are helping Sasha fix-up the Flea Bite. Annabelle tells Charlie & Itchy that do now fully can complete there service be dogs doing mission for Dog heaven on Earth.

The Second episode is: The Field Trip

Charlie & Itchy are in a high class place of the city. Charlie & Itchy go back of a restaurant but a guard-dog stop then to get food. Charlie & Itchy leave the area and also the guard-dog is not chase Charlie & Itchy because he is tie-up that is a good-thing for Charlie and Itchy.

Charlie & Itchy are look for food and Charlie & Itchy know a old lady who drop dog tricks. Charlie & Itchy found-out it’s a trap made by a kid and also the kid talk him-self about this he does not need throw away any dog tags. So the dog-caught by Charlie & Itchy in  back of the dog-caught van. Charlie & Itchy espace by play a trick on Dog caughter that Itchy is sick and then dog-caughter open the back of the van. Then Charlie & Itchy espace from the dog-caughter.

Charlie and Itchy go out of the area. Charlie & Itchy are not happy each. So Annabelle make Itchy go back to dog-heaven and Charlie get another dog go a mission but as twisted this new dog is Annabelle. So Itchy is in dog-heaven and Annabelle with Charlie. There is a mission and also Annabelle ask question why dogs are chase a cat. Hm mean weird question to ask. So Charlie trick Annabelle do get bad smell from skunk.

Annabelle get clean and also Annabelle go on solo get food. Charlie is search for Annabelle and Charlie find Annabelle where there is a guard dog into the back of the restaurant. Annabelle meet the same dog Charlie & Itchy meet early in this episode and then

Annabelle does a weird dance and also this Big Lipped Alligator moment. After Annabelle Big Lipped Alligator. Annabelle is in water and Annabelle ask Charlie what was. Yet the same-thing was ask the hole scene.

Will get explain the reason why Annabelle how the Big Lipped Alligator moment that is different alot-times when review a movie or TV-show that has a Big Lipped Alligator or Big Lipped Alligator moments never explain why the character or group of character how the Big Lipped Alligator at all in the first place.

Charlie & Annabelle head on the mission want who that Charlie & Annabelle have help the same-kid who caught Charlie & Itchy early in this episode. Charlie & Annabelle go into the kid how found-out the kid live his grandma who is a veteran. The kid did work on the computer and puppy take-out his computer. So the kid go outside. The kid is work more of his traps to caught dogs in. I mean think is kid is a cat person. Charlie & Annabelle talk with the kid mean I didn’t know Charlie & Annabelle could talk to humans. Will all-ready know that Charlie can talk because he talk with the kid he help in the second movie.

Annabelle use the magic dog-tag and turn the kid into a dog. Has anyone know the kid look like The Cinema Snob or the angry video-game Nerd or spoonyone. So the know he is a dog now. The kid tells he will not action like a dog but then the kid we all know is now a dog is chase a cat.

So Charlie & Annabelle chase after the kid turn into a dog. So the dog chase the cat into non safe place. After the non safe-place. Annabelle and Charlie know the kid going into the same trap that Annabelle and Charlie found-out for then-selfs. Charlie & Annabelle found the kid about the same trap of a guard-dog where free food is.

Then the same dog-caught early in this episode put Charlie, Annabelle, and also the kid in dog form and as well the guard-dog. So the kid learn some-thing and then Annabelle disappear from the dog-pound. What does Annabelle have only limit time be earth in this episode. Itchy go back to earth. Charlie & Itchy do make-up and now friend again. So Itchy get the keys from one of the dog pound staff not guess who is the staff of the dog pound who is on duty it’s is the same dog-caught who caught Charlie, Annabelle, and the kid in dog form.

Itchy get the keys but then the dog caught wake-up. So Itchy and Charlie make every other dog in the dog-pound leave the area. So Charlie & Itchy and the kid get-out of the dog-pound. Charlie and Itchy drop off the kid at his house and the kid become human again.

The Three episode is: Lance the wonder-pup

Charlie & Itchy are talking and then Charlie see a female-dog. Charlie walk-off to talking with the female dog and also think Charlie want Flirt with the female dog as well. I think what Sasha say this what she will do Charlie by hit with a fly-pan or some also Charlie actions.

At the same-time Charlie is going talk and maybe flirt with the female dog. a truck load that is Big Ball that look like the world going down a hill and down a hill a father left his or her kid into front of the road at the end of the docks. Hm not the best idea or will like your son or daughter to be kill by some-thing in this case a run away ball look like the world.

Itchy know the ball look like a world going hurt the kid who the father was stupid to level in front of the end of the street on the docks. Itchy try to mean the kid out of the world but Itchy is not succession. Charlie finally realize his friend Itchy is in trouble. Charlie try to save Itchy and the kid but another dog save Charlie & The kid.

Group of people and the father of the kid almost got hurt are happy at the dog save both there life’s. I puzzle the father of the kid leave his kid not with him-self what parent is like that in the first-place at all. Charlie & Itchy know the dog who save Itchy and the kid life is from dog-heaven will the tag.

Charlie & Itchy meet the dog who save Itchy and also the kid that dad did a stupid-thing. The Dog name who also from dog-heaven is called Lance. Yet the same-dog who has the tittle of this episode of this TV-show. Lance require Charlie & Itchy show him the town. By that Lance show Charlie & Itchy tricks.

Charlie tells Lance there is a great Sea-food place and Lance found-out to get the sea-food by bragging. Lance take his copy of dog-heaven book and Lance tells that bragging is not the real right-thing do. Charlie ask Lance all-ways thought the rules. Lance sing a song about the rule book. This weird and also Charlie join into the song mean this song is a about a rule-book of Dog-heaven.

Itchy is like Lance. Then Charlie, Lance, Itchy found there is a Fire. Charlie, Itchy, Lance go to the building on fire. Charlie want save the day. Charlie found lady that is inside but Charlie almost fall into a hole. Then Lance go into the building on the fire and also the same building Charlie went into.

Lance save the lady. Also the lady want Lance go back into the building and bring of all the lady stuff he know Charlie is not outside. Lance save Charlie from the burning building. So At the Flea Bite Cafe Charlie does not like Lance got famous at what does Charlie have plan put Lance out of the picture.

Charlie tells Lance that some-one need his help. Charlie make Lance go into a box and sent outside the U.S. Then Charlie does not become popular because everyone at the Flea Bite Cafe found Charlie sent Lance outside the U.S. and also all un-happy because everyone get the Flea Bite Cafe like Lance the wonder-pup.

Then Lance come into the Flea Bite Cafe and also write a book. What did Lance got back to U.S. he sent his write-up his book into a book company want money on the book about Lance. Charlie run-away because Lance can’t beat at all.

Itchy and Lance are now partners and also Charlie walk-any round. Also Charlie watch a New report about 10 things that Lance can do and also Burt Reynolds is mentored in the list. Mean not this up at all. Itchy and Lance go into a alley this alley is belong to group of dog gang. The dog-gang is called The Wild Pack.

The Wild-Pack didn`t like Lance and also Itchy. Also one the leader called Otto ride a motor-cycle around that is weird because this not biker gang at all. Lance and Itchy get chase by The Wild Pack. Charlie save the day and also Charlie save Itchy and Lance life from the Wild Pack.

In the morning Lance thanks Charlie for save his life. Annabelle come-out and Annabelle give Lance a new mission. Also found-out that Annabelle and everyone also in dog-heaven didn`t like Lance at all. I think some or alot dogs in dog-heaven want to murder Lance but Lance was going re-spawn in dog-heaven.

Itchy tells Charlie he like him and Charlie & Itchy walk into the sunset. Lance new mission is go to South-Pole and teach Penguin to fly will we hope that one is not peddle the penguin.

Also this TV-show went more then episode 3 and also have spoof tittle and episodes like the TV-show called Super Mario Super-Show did.n

What think of this TV-show does hold-up has a Nostalgia TV-show will the answer is in some way why will Plot-holes never get explain like why in the heck Killer in this TV-show in the first-place. Also other plot-holes that are not explain at all in the TV-show but have watch more episodes then from episodes found do explain some of the plot-holes in this TV-show.

Im the Nostalgia Citric remind because you didn’t have to.