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Krypto TV-show review

4 Jul

The TV-show is based on Super-man dog that is called Krypto the
super-dog. I have see never read comic-books about Krypto the
super-dog but can say that Krypto the super-dog is the own of
Super-man by watch this TV-show.

Opening the TV-show: Clips of the TV-show and theme-song come-on.
Then Krypto the super-dog tells us the tittle of the episode and
people made the episode. One-thing that we have eye’s we know and can
read who creator the tittle of this episode and think is people who
didn’t how read tittle and read the people who made the episode.
Another-thing happened every-time at the began of the episode. Then
the episode TV-series start. I mean not alot TV-show tells the name of
the episode and also narrow about the people creator

Plot of the TV-show is on the adventures of Krypto the super-dog and early
in the series a side-kick meet that is a Cat. So Also Krypto has a human friend
that is in the first-episode of the TV-show. Krypto meets super-dog
team that he become a member of a group called the dog star. Also this
kid who hang-out will Krypto the super-dog and his own but the real
own is super-man. Krypto and the kid all live in the same-city that
superman lives. Also Superman appliance or make a cameo in episodes of

Voices in the TV-show: The main-character that krypto the super-dog is
voice by the same-person who voice hare in Monster-Ranchers English. Also
the side-kick of Krypto is voice by the same voice-actor did Tiger from
Monster-Rancher English-version. There voice-actors of characters in the
TV-show. There only two voice actors know are from the TV-show called
Monster Ranchers.

There some-thing have know about some of the characters look like some-one
watch TV-series called All dogs go to heaven the series. Why mentioned this
because there character from Dog-Star look come from animated TV-show.
The dog-Star leader look like
Sasha and another episode a dog look like Bess Winifred from All dogs go to
heaven the series and also you can say the dog look like Angle from
Lady & Tramp 2. I mean did check Sasha and the leader of group
super-hero called Dog Star. Sasha is Irish Sitter and The leader of the
dog-star is African Hound. But think Leader of the dog-star look like
Sasha and didn’t sound like Sasha or actor like Sasha. I think
dog-star leader actor like Annabelle but has purple fur.

When say purple fur didn’t mean Belladonna from All dogs go to heaven
the series, An Dogs Christmas Carol. Only if Annabelle have purple fur
and also was a African Hound and not a whipped dog. I didn’t if this
bad-thing or good-thing.


+ Animals version of people from the comic-book like Batman dog
version and his side-kick Robin as a little duck. For other-characters
are relate to in the comic-book company that Krypto the super-dog is

+ Human version’s from the comic-book like Superman the real own of
Krypto the super-dog.

+ Explain that only way a human can hear-out Krypto super-dog is with
a head-set. Not like didn’t explain how that happens at all


– Some of jokes in the TV-show didn’t like at all maybe because didn’t
found at all make me laugh at all

– Same of the character like in this TV-show never come back at all.
One of the character is the character called Rosie who look like Bess
Winifred from All dogs go to heaven the series and also cross of Angle
from Lady & Tramp 2.

Final-Score: 97% A

What think of TV-show will its a TV-show that is great but bad-things
make the grade go down to still a great-mark but if have more
good-thing would this TV-show A+