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Petition Enact mandatory medication error reporting in Ontario

23 Oct

Andrew was a mischievous, caring, funny kid who loved sports, his Xbox and his family and friends, however our little boy was taken from us at the tender age of 8. He ingested a toxic dose of a powerful medication that was not intended for him due to a pharmacy error. Currently, the only province in the country with a reporting system is Nova Scotia, according to an article which states, “While pharmacy errors happen across the country, only Nova Scotia has made tracking tools mandatory. Saskatchewan is running a pilot project involving a limited number of pharmacies. Prince Edward Island began a pilot project, only to abandon it after a year.” This is unacceptable. What happened to our family should never happen to another family.

The life of a kind and caring child was taken by the hands of a careless mistake, and the mistake will go unnoticed by the vast majority of Ontarians unless we, his family, call attention to it, and try to effect change.  Nothing can bring Andrew back to us however, in his caring spirit we want the laws to protect all people, and so we are asking that Ontario create a law to enforce the use of error tracking tools for dispensaries.  Thousands of pharmacy errors are made annually, but there is no law in Ontario requiring such errors to be reported or tracked.  A reporting system would help put in place a vehicle to examine errors and see how training and procedures can be improved to reduce the number and types of errors.

Here is a link to the petition:

A petition fully agreed with you

24 Feb

On Feb 26 the FCC will vote to save net neutrality or let Comcast and other ISPs create Internet slow lanes. Some members of Congress, on behalf of their Cable donors, are trying to stop the FCC from protecting the Internet we love. There isn’t much time to stop them, contact them now. Here is a link to the petition: