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Vidlii Problem with Haters, Trolls, Hate Speech

9 Feb

I’m turning a Tweet on Twitter into a Post. Vidlii has a lot of Haters, Trolls, Hate Speech on it those days. Vidlii Staff should clear up the website. I’m doing my best by reporting the videos, blocking the people who are like that.

One of the Rules under Community Guidelines is the following:

1) We don’t permit hate speech

At the same-time said those words: We Enforce These Guidelines. Accounts are penalized for Community Guidelines violations and serious or repeated violations can lead to account termination. If your account is terminated, you won’t be allowed to create any new accounts.

I got said overboard over the ideas you are not allowed to create any new accounts but if the website in-fact Enforce its own rules and laws. It should clear up Haters, Trolls, Hate Speech on the website. This goes for the Hate Speech over Bronies, Furries I talk about before as well.

Obsession over Hating someone

5 Dec

The comment is the following: Why people still dislike videos?. People still think it’s some le funneh may-maybe to do it?.

Here is the responses from other people:

1) They are just haters plain and simple

My reply: Pretty much

2) He’s the definition of Scum:

The user he is talking about. Makes videos about video games. How in the heck making videos about video games makes you the definition of Scum. You can use the same logic around everyone who is a gamer. The irony about it.

3) I understand why they hate the user but what I don’t understand is why they stick around his channel waiting for new videos to upload just so they can dislike them. They seem to have some sort of a hate obsession with the person.

My reaction:

That is the saddest thing I ever hear in my life. Wait around just dislike someone videos. Being jealousy of there successful. Not working on there own YouTube Channel. There is a reason why not success in the first place.

4) Same reason people like his videos the instant they go up not for hate. Some people think can do no wrong ever while others think he always does something wrong without ever watching videos.

My reply: Basically some people are focusing on the User non perfectionist about himself. Other people honestly don’t care about it.

5) I get what you’re saying expect with this user it’s different. From what I seen so far, the user is the only youtuber that has hate groups. You know people who dedicate their time to solely hate on him and make THYDP videos because they feel that the user deserves it. He even has people on twitter that tweet about him every day pointing out his flaws and watching his every move. I have yet to see this same obsessive behavior with other youtubers. Sounds like those people role model is Frank Grimes from The Simpsons:
Image result for the simpsons frank grimes
Frank Grimes from The Simpsons episode called Homer’s Enemy. Frank was always focusing on Homer Simpson flaws, being mean/hatefully, insulting, other things toward Homer Simpson. Homer did nothing wrong just being himself, Homer Simpson wanted friendship rather then a enemy. This sounds like the hate group are the same-ideas. Rather then focusing on there own content. Love the ideas of insulting, putting others down, etc.

6) That’s not entirely true, he does have close friends that he greatly appreciates on here and on twitter. I just think for everyone else he has a fancy way of showing his love for his fans even though it may not seem that way. He also has an anger issue that he needs to work on that affects the way some of his former fans and current fans look at him. There are worst people out there you know.

My reply: I understand everyone has flaws. Try accept there pros and cons. Other people should do as well.

7) Spot on man The user isn’t even a big youtuber but has hate groups its weird. There is a way reason said those words:
Image result for are you serious
8)  It seems all gaming youtubers have their hate groups. It must be a new fad.

My reply: Video Game Creators are the real fans. The Gamers by doing this are acting like in-mature children. Time to time Video Game Creators join the fun.

9)  Dude you haven’t RTU’s haters. Another user actually was threaten with a dox by a group known. This user is not the only one. These people are fucked up.

Those type of person don’t deserve the Internet.

10) Yea I guess Youtubers aren’t safe from anybody. There’s always that one extreme group that does some excessive crazy shit.

My reply: This why should actually enforce there rules and laws stopping extreme groups.

11)  It seems everyone has a group a detractors. I swear you are treated like the devil some the on the internet if you make money on youtube.

My reply: Greedy is not evil. Making Money is. The same ideas eating food.

12) The Users blockes haters out like a fly on the wall so he stays strong haters are people who just use words to get under your skin even tho they should know words are just noises we make and you only get offended if you let your self.

My reply: I agree with that.

By reading this comment, responses toward the comment. I can said YouTube, and the internet general allows people don’t deserve the internet exist. End this post Haters deserve be non successful over wasting time on this. The person that they hate deserves more successful over focusing on there own-work.

Haters waste there time comment

30 Oct

Note: I edited the spelling mistakes in the comment. I founded a great comment on YouTube. With the ideas of someone thinking of other people feelings. Good know those people exist on the internet. The comment is the following: Why do the haters watch youtubers they hate? They are wasting there times, youtubers want to look at there comments and see nice things, not just people saying they suck. Any youtuber is great, those haters just want to make them quit YouTube.

Here is my reaction to the comment: I fully agree with you, and would like to add other websites as well then just YouTube. Like Deviantart, Twitter, other websites.

Comment needs Haters

12 Sep
The comment is the following: It’s ok If people hate becuz their just giving opinions and I know their not trying to be mean.

My reaction: I don’t think being critical and negative classified having a opinion. With classic comments like: Go kill yourself, Stupid cunt with Down Syndrome, others. Not a opinion just show off with the power of the internet you can get away being a heartless person. There different freedom of speech and hatefully speech Hate in pure form is that.

How I deal with Haters

24 Aug

1) Block user or users  from my channel

2) Don’t reply

3) I don’t talk about the user or users

4) I don’t pay attention to the user or users

Here is my saiding: Don’t give someone respect then you deserved no respect yourself.

Video Good Message 6# Youtube Haters

24 Jul

Here is a link to the video:

My thoughts on Hate or Haters Groups

24 Jul
Your goal show much you hate something but the only thing you are proofing me obsession about it. When I dislike or hate something simple boycott the heck of it, as well: ignore it. By doing  that I’m proofing don’t care about it, hate it, dislike it.

For example: I don’t like PS4, Xbox One so I try my best almost never talk about those two consoles in my posts. Have talk about this number of times but here is the short version: in way: by not boycotting, ignore it. You are proofing me secretly like or love it because you can’t stop  talk about it, doing stuff relate to it. Something only become a problem because make it into a problem or problems.

How is someone liking something a threat toward you

Haters subscriber to someone that hate someone

15 Jun

There are haters you know those people hate someone or group of people maybe for stupid, outrage, other-reasons. That subscriber to someone that dislike. So can  dislike there video on video-website, insult then, other-things. I found a good comment that make alot said when think about: that they have nothing better to do.  Few-years ago got someone who subscriber to my, and like one of my videos. Then insult me was thinking to myself didn’t care if people look at my videos, and could samething by my post just matter that enjoyed as a hobby. Keep me thinking of new-ideas for videos, talking my thoughts about as well. 

Haters subscriber to someone that hate someone

3 Jun

There are haters you know those people hate someone or group of people maybe for stupid, outrage, other-reasons. That subscriber to someone that dislike. So can  dislike there video on video-website, insult then, other-things. I found a good comment that make alot said when think about: that they have nothing better to do.  Few-years ago got someone who subscriber to my, and like one of my videos. Then insult me was thinking to myself didn’t care if people look at my videos, and could samething by my post just matter that enjoyed as a hobby. Keep me thinking of new-ideas for videos, talking my thoughts about as well. 

Hatefully Speech against anything someone like or love

31 May

I don’t why people feel the need talk so negative someone or group of people. Here is words love using is a disease, ruining the internet or fandom, werdio’s, other words are mean, hatefully, heartless, a-hole comments. Four groups can think  all way have huge amount of having Haters, A-holes attack then: 1) Furries  2) Bronies 3) Gay and Bisexual People 4) Users of any website and much more.

By supporting, writing hatefully speech are showing me enjoying anything is a crime. You can’t change what someone likes. You have the right to like something just then. There is something called Freedom.  You do have the right to hate or dislike but do in way that is not classified as being heartless, A-hole, Jerk, obsession about something.

This what found-out on Forum post relate to this topic The following text:  try and teach them what a joke is.

Here is my thoughts: I don’t classified as a joke being heartless, being, mean, a-hole in any sharp or form. A joke is about: written, or done with humorous intention. Slimiar someone doing something against the law and said for my Entertainment. Alot of people would think this person is crazy, heartless people.  More likely people are: tone you out because you are bring nothing useful toward then. Sadly those people don’t listen the ideas: do something useful with your life rather hate or hating on group of people.

Maybe think someone or group of people like or love something waste of life but honest truth waste of a life obsession attack, hate over it. The reason because the people like or love is doing useful with life can make money of it, can become famous, popular over it.

When I dislike something maybe talk about but try not look like a Jerk, A-hole, Heartless, obsession by not attacking the person who like or love it. There are people call freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Its my Opinion.

Here is my thoughts about it: Asking you are proofing me are heartless, don’t care about feels. If someone was true A-hole toward you are going like it.

If you get those type of people in any sharp or form attacking you. Give then something true deserved no attention. Here is my saiding: Don’t give someone respect then you deserved no respect yourself. This why people hide or delete your comments, and also banned from there channel.