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Me talking about Fallout New Vegas dlc part 2 Dead Money

1 Aug

This DLC is one less favorite but the story is very interesting to me. The plot is about Sierra Madre Casino that grand opening never happened because Nuclear War. Father Ellija has recruit you, and others do a bank heists. I have all-ready talk about negative things about this DLC but when look past the problems with this dlc get sense that Obsidian Entertainment, Bethesda Studios were trying do something different with Fallout games. The DLC feel more like survivor honor for example the Ghost people.

Next-time: Im take a look at Old World Blues

You can’t return to Dead Money

21 Feb

This very disappointing about this DLC. I did found-out someone got in contact high-up person at Obsidian Entertainment. There reply was talking about never thought people want return to Dead Money. Here is my reply: Every thatDead Money in many ways is my least favorite Fallout New Vegas DLC. I was annoyed, disappointing could not return toDead Money. I got explosive  skill book almost in-possible to get because glitch or programmed that way, all mods for new weapons, all unique stuff, break bank at Sierra Madre, almost found all text documents around Sierra Madre, all 37 gold bars. The best-thing happen Obsidian Entertainment correct there mistake in later DLC’s but never thought update DeadMoney with the option return Dead Money after leaving the location.

Hardest Skill book get in Fallout New Vegas DLC’s

13 Feb

The hardest skill book is in Fallout New Vegas DLC’S is the explosives book under a bed Dead Money. Annoying because the book under the bed. Some parts of the bed cover by small dirt hill. 

The only way get the book by using explosives or dropping throwing spears to force the book out.

First time play Dead Money took more 20 try’s and finally got the book. If was a glitch in the video.
Obsidian Entertainment should have fix the problem release or after the DLC.

If was program that way. I can said Obsidian Entertainment trolling, tease, middle finger gamers everywhere.