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Do You have Mod Requests

8 May

I search all over the internet and talk about mods for number games old or new. Also do founding Video’s, Shout outs, Founding Gaming video’s, etc. I’m all-way free to take requests.

If you are interested the only thing I ask is let me know by comment or email also called: note.

Request Text #1

2 Mar

This is a request by Karlamon share light a review of Balto 1 by: AniMat’s. I have watch the review start to finish got said pretty awesome review. I like how the review trying not be like Nostalgic Citric, other people. The best part AnMat give the movie a chance rather too critical about the smallest bit of detail. Here is a link to review by AniMat:

I request a review of Balto 2, 3 as a side comment.