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Tom & Jerry the movie review

27 Apr

Ok will the tittle is right I am going review Tom and Jerry the movie but before start that let’s look back the past Tom and Jerry stuff there was cartoon videos games, Tv shows and lot’s people grow will Tom and Jerry but when you get Hollywood into the game it like Dog is loose chase any on the street. Watch the Nostalgia Ctritic review of this movie was great review.

Release in 1992

Director: Phil Roman

Writer: Dennis Marks

The Plot: Will the opening to the movie that Tom chase to Jerry the mouse then there comedy scene but there not that funny. After we meet Tom and Jerry will there move away to a new house but after hate each get out of the car then the car go off by Tom does not want Jerry come along. By a dog chase
after the car but dog chase Tom back the house. So Tom stay the night the next works destroy the house then Tom and Jerry are out in the world will do not know if want help every. Then a dog called Puggsy that alike of Dodger from Oliver with Company

and flea called frank. Then Tom and Jerry speak wait the phone Tom and Jerry did not speak then we hear again so true then we get in song that Tom and Jerry sing and dancer and sing about that now play cat and mouse then be friends. Now Tom and Jerry past stuff is die. So Puggsy get Kipnapped Yay for that. Then we meet Alley Cats that sing another song that another kick in the stuff we get another song then Jerry the Alley cats left the street then we someone other Robyn a little girl then Tom and Jerry talk to her then said wow you can talk. Royn tell her story. The plot now is that Tom and Jerry secound characters then Royn main character what the heck this is All dogs go to heaven 1 and All dogs go to heaven 2 will that meet a girl help her. I think the director give VSH to everyone on project say watch this movie called All dogs go to heaven that your homework. by Now we meet Aunt Pristine Figg and Mr.Lickboot a Lawer. Then Tom and Jerry are agreed have that home then Tom and Jerry are eat then a dog on skateboard trouble then there are eat. One thing before I go the Aunt is very evil and good at diffture times of this movie. Meanwhile Aunt and Mr.lickboot sing a song wow another song about Money that I think everyone who made this movie think about money. So Aunt look at the problems then the next Tom and Jerry are put in the home of mr. Applercheek real what will the names sound weird. By the house look very happy mr. Applecheek sound very nice he fell Tom and jerry to kipnappers then we another song how more songs are there what next Robyn. Ok the song is about Mr.Applechee he plan that kipnapped animal by the own are rich want money there he want then give to he or he come the dog or cat. Then Tom and Jerry meet Puggsy again then Tom and Jerry all of the dogs and cats escape. After we meet Robyn again but her room sing a song about her father yes what who as next song was right. About her dad that look like Indina Jones. After that Tom and Jerry save Robyn then go small boat wake up a bigger boat crash in the small boat. After Tom and Jerry are save somewhere. Mean where Robyn in a Theme park then meet a boss of the theme park and his puppet then another song wow what the heck happened to Yes or No. Tom and Jerry found save Robyn from the boss of theme park that her Aunt put a milk carpet for money $1,0000 dollars. After that the heckman to Mr.Applecheeks kick he out for money then Mr.Applecheeks out on the road steal Ice cream moblie that before we next scene of Mr.Applecheeks look evil by has face evil we see it then he is it so Robyn and Tom and Jerry take boat real one thing how heck can mouse and cat, kid drive a big boat. Then the next part what I called Benny Hill spoof that is All the people go after then on the boat but no Benny hill song what a great time have that music. Then Robyn and Tom and Jerry make to the cottage then Robyn go in then the cottage burn down so the dad save Robyn but not Tom and Jerry. Then Robyn and her dad are on the ground then Tom and Jerry are life then we final get what was this movie real want be Tom and Jerry go chase. The End

The music: I think it that good that you were watch Tom and Jerry episode

Voice actors 4 max of then

Tom: Richard Kind

Jerry: Dana Hill

Lickboot: Tony Jay

Puggsy/ Robyn dad: Ed Gliberta

One thing about this movie win award and have videos games of the movie.

Ovally this movie not as great that remender when was kid but this age think of the stuff what when wrong so will have give it D+ only thing that got this score like by that in this Tom and Jerry that are not the main characters.