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All-Vocal Smile, Smile, Smile Cover

31 Jul

Here is a link to the video:

Friendship Is Magic – Babs Seed (Bass Cover)

30 Jul

Here is a link to the video:

On side-note: Awesome Rainbow Dash T-Shirt

Vinyl Scratch – Cover Both of Us

8 Jul

This video has fan-made voice-actress who plays Vinyl Scratch in alot fan-made stuff doing a cover of the song called: Both of Us. Here is a link to the video:

On side-note: I agree  with the comments that I can’t imagine Vinyl Scratch without that voice, the fan-made voice-actress need the job of voicing Vinyl Scratch in Friendship is Magic.

Join The Herd (Rock Vocals) Cover by Forest Run

21 Jun

This song about giving My Little Pony Remake a Chance and don’t judge a book it. Told one of my friends never a good-ideas judge a book. Want use quotes from Article promotion. This point is more of an appeal to those people who refuse to watch based on their prior assumptions about this show. There’s a very important saying floating around, something about not judging a book by it’s cover, and I think that this applies perfectly. Before you refuse to watch a show just because it’s about ponies, think about it. Would you refuse to eat cotton candy just because it’s pink? Would you refuse to try anything different just because you think it’s silly? How many chances would you miss out on to do something awesome if you made up your mind about everything before you’d even given it a chance?

Before you call My Little Pony a show for little girls. Before you make up your mind never to watch an episode of My Little Pony ever, just give it a chance. You may hate it. You may find it boring or uninteresting or any number of things. Or, you may actually like it. You may find yourself completely surprised and entertained. But you’ll never know unless you try.

Here is a link to the video: and Here is a link to the article that use quote’s: