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You don’t have an Opinion anymore

10 Oct

Here is the define of a opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Something I truly don’t like about the Internet, real life is some people can’t accept the fact having a Opinion is ok. People will insult you, dislike your video, videos, live-stream, live-streams, etc just because don’t agree with your point view. Every that your opinion is not mean, hateful, racist, other things like that.  My face always like this:

I would rather make or hear about someone counter opinion rather those type of comments: You are noob, you hate this video game because you suck, other comments like that. It’s not a counter Opinion more like this:


Someone should report your comment for being mean and hateful, as being a jerk to the person. If I don’t agree with someone opinion I just leave and think up a counter opinion, try to have feels for others.

Do I think everything classified as a opinion, criticism

22 Feb

This question all-way want answer, maybe have ask yourself. I think there different between your opinion, criticism and being a hater, complete a-hole. The point when you are insulting person or group of people said you suck, your annoying, other words. That where become Hater, being a-hole someone or group of people. Slimiar to there different between hatefully speech, freedom of speech. There are people in real-life, on the internet think everything criticism, opinion, freedom of speech. I’m asking those people love being a-hole someone or group of people.