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Goodbye Annoying Program Forever

1 Feb

Have talk about annoying programmed since September in number of ways and I’m so happy this the only I’m in the programmed. Mainly the programmed more plain off annoying, paid the butt, other things deal with. I’m getting out of annoying program at the end of this month. Since the began have never enjoy the program on the ways.

This programmed number of times I feel that try me more children when complete said this is a adult programmed. Mainly the ways the teacher and the job coach make me feel. Don’t listen to me sometimes tone me out or something like that. For ex I try tell about the grocery store I was working at in Feb was reaction to the products very badly told my teacher she all come with reasons rather then listening to me about. Anything to keep me working at place with products make me feel sick around.

There so called help and supportive that said more annoying then helpful. I could go,go about why I think the programmed was worst pick after graduation high school based on the stuff have previous talk about and this. Last thing to said I found way get around so called helpful, real world programmed by lying about
My feelings, said nothing out of text, other things. At the end of the day this program sadly effects my future. I’m courting down the days.

Sick today

4 Apr

I got a headache, sore throat and also coughing. Sometimes feel depression, sad, gulity about not going to work, school. The reason be that I’m trying to get good mark on my attention. What I truly hate when the program give out mix messages. Sometimes are o.k. of missing school, working over being sick and other times the program said good ideas go to work, school ever that your sick.

I need extra support on Friday by pet store and my program

2 Apr

On Friday is a very busy day because the pet store restock, get more customers. My boss, program teacher and job coach think good ideas help  me on Friday or don’t work on Friday at the pet store. By under the ideas was having a bad day last Friday and went home early mean need extra Support on Friday.  The program said last Friday was having a breakdown. The program job coach, teacher don’t want give me option show then if truly need there help on Friday.