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You can’t pick enemy weapons in Destiny

31 Jan

This weird because Destiny is creator by the same company who made: Halo series. Halo is a video-game series where you can pick-up enemy weapons use then for yourself. The reason could possible that: You use the light of The Travers and the enemies use weapons power by The Darkness. There is slimiar thing about you can’t pick-up enemy weapons in the video-game called Xcom  but less later in the story video game allowed pick-up  enemy’s weapons. My theroe were to lazy or rushing to finish the video-game soon as possible. I have play the video-game and much enjoy but was hoping for the option to pick enemy weapons similar to the Halo series.

My thoughts on Destiny

16 Jan

Destiny is by the same people start the Halo series, and this Bungie first multiplayer video-game. Burgle used to make games for PC, Xbox consoles. I knew the video-game was going be awesome, badass just like Halo. The video-game is mix between Halo and Borderland. I maybe want get the video-game for my birthday after playing with one of my friends. I can said disappointed with the ideas Pay DLC, In Game DLC. I`m  asking Burge become company like screw over gamers, customers like EA, Capcom.  I don`t think putting price tag on DLC, in Game Pay DLC is the best-ideas. Being that Gamers hate when company treat then like bag of money then a person. I agree with this comment: I don`t think Destiny will not last another year, and DLC very cheap movie, and also want add greedy, a-hole ideas as well.

Here is a comment that has Best Advice for Bungie: Making the DLC for free, no In Game Pay DLC, improve the video-game in any sharp or form. Playing the video-game was very fun time but another annoying you canèt pick-up enemy weapons at all. Im said to myself Burgie Destiny pretty cool, awesome video-game. Would you kindly stop scream away your fanbase, new-comes by your ideas screw over then in any sharp or form.

Annoying, Disappointing about Destiny

15 Jan

1) Pay DLC

2) You can’t pick up enemy weapons at all
3) In Game Pay DLC
4) Need be connection to the internet. Every that you are playing or want  play single player.