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Someone Post about Recolors

2 Feb

I was watching someone VidLii Video ranting about Recolors. Calling them Art thefts. Then thought to myself. Some words from a Post called Stop Bitching about Recolors: Recolors may start as such, but eventually, the recolorers will grow past that stage and make their character worthwhile.

I fully agree with the ideas Recolors will glow past that stage and make their character worthwhile. You know the irony Video Game Companies do the same thing sometimes over there video game or video games. One of the Major things about Fan-Characters always come up: It’s The reason why not original. That is easily one The creators give you the material to make characters, other things. But everything has limits on it. For example: If the Simpsons only had The Simpsons rather then the town of Springfield. All fan characters would look like The Simpsons Family. Not Ned Flanders, other characters.

My thought on Recolors

4 Jan

Recolors are pictures, posters, front covers, back covers that have a fan character or fan characters. very famous for having  rants, Community’s, Hatefully videos, attacking, Hate Artwork, Videos other things on this topic. For ex: Attacking is: Attack then unit close there account on the website. Then Start over, over again truly endless cycle.

Major of the recoloring popular is Kids. Picking on kids that just found out use paint. Almost like attacking or picking on someone who is beginner at cooking.  Recolors pictures never hurt anybody feels. Some people would said:  “It is art theft” response: is it hurting anyone?. I said no as my answer to the question. Other people would said: we are allowed to have opinions.” response, yeah fine that’s all good but there’s a difference between having an opinion and forcing it upon someone else, by doing that you have denied someone else their own opinion, are you the only one allowed an opinion.

There is a popular of people who never research this topic. Join the endless cycles a) You can become famous on for it B) Very easy topic to talk or rant about think. I found someone rant talking about he is sick, tried about the endless recycle attacking, ranting on Recolors. One of my favorite lines in the rant is:   if you don’t like recolors, don’t pay  attention to them, your just being an a-hole to people you don’t even know! Recolors may start as such, but eventually the recolorers will grow past that stage and make their character worth while. My thoughts about the rant is: I fully agreed with you.

My final thoughts: Since the began Ranting, attacking Recolors on then the internet. I thought complete insane people would attack someone or group of people just for a picture with there fan character in it and called it art thief.  I love Youtub.Com, other websites when not use for pointless things like this. For ex: founding episodes old and new TV shows.