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gnore Negative Parts of The FanBase

22 Jun

Each Fan base has negative parts of each. Stuff maybe not like or love for example Shipping characters or 18+ fan-fictions and FanArt. I think the best course of action is not paying attention to that stuff. By ranting or attacking or hatting people over it.

In my mind: are proofing me don’t really hate it because obsession about then. When dislike something don’t pay attention to it. Reading, watching, looking at something you hate. The only one with problems is yourself  because allowing yourself focus something you can’t control, and something don’t like.

The fact more likely people are tone you out because you are bring nothing useful toward then. If being different is a crime then the hole world is guilty. That what makes the human race unique and makes life not boring.

People love statement the following Freedom of Speech, my opinion, other words. Here is my re-action: I’m asking you never hear of Feels, and treat others the way you want be treat in the first place. If you treat others in bad way then people likely treat you in a bad-way. Being friendly, kind to others is way getting your message out just like not paying attention to something you dislike, and hate.

I have a fanbase

22 Jun

I was checking my PSN account on PS3. When found message said the following: You have YouTube account, and I’m fan of your videos. I have know I’m becoming more popular on the internet. Another example: On my Birthday someone Tweed out my birthday. But the account name was famous people birthday’s.

PSN get huge number of friend requests, fan – mail. I honest though no one pay attention to my content.