Whatever happen to Balto from Balto 1,2,3

28 Mar

I’m talking about the cartoon version not the real version. In way have see pictures, stories having Balto nothing like Balto 1, 2,3. Ideas including: Balto with males, females rather Jenna you know female character he save her owner daughter, had kids nothing on the levels off & on relation-ship not like: Charlie Barkin and Sasha LaFur from All dogs to heaven the series together not together together and then not together again. Having romance crush on ever that all-ready have a mated. I didn’t have problem with that because give a character does not mated, can romance-side mated. I’m against on characters all-ready have mates based on didn’t support cheating in any sharp or form, and also feel like not really creative at all. I think creative when paring-up other characters on there choices like then having kids, forever relation-ship, off & on relation-ship, other-things. People maybe said is not rewritering the movies, video-games, TV-shows and the characters to me will that showing maybe showing there love ideas, sequels with kids was bad-ideas, that supporting the ideas in my book. I have thought the ideas people like Balto being bisexual but when think being bisexual having forever relation-ship does not come to mind at all. I think of that a character or characters having off & on relation-ships like Sasha LaFur, Charlie Barkin. I think the ideas, stories, pictures nothing how the characters more fans showing or telling, view stuff that really want see ever nothing how the characters from movies, video-games, TV-show are and how the movies, video-games, TV-shows themes are, content have in then. Balto is one those characters in ways having ideas likes Balto, Steele as enemy from Balto 1 into romance relation-ship, doing it stories, pictures other-things like that, other-things like that.

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