Tag Archives: Balto 2: Wolf Quest

My thoughts on the ending of Balto 2: Wolf-Quest

30 Mar

If didn’t know Balto as kids with Jenna. So the plot about Aleu Balto daughter run-away from home being with Jenna, Balto. Balto go after Aleu and both then meet with a group of wolfs. After events go into Aleu become the leader of the wolf-pack leaving with then. Aleu said her goodbye to Balto.

My thoughts on this ending are this not really a bad-ending or good-ending more the movie just end. Same with the mood being a mix bag of happy because Aleu got her wish found she belong in the world. But the same-time being sad because maybe relate to Balto about having your kid move-away from you. After this sequel Aleu only make a cameo’s in Balto 3: Wings of Change a little puppy. I really thought Balto 3 was going about Aleu return mean there are ideas in the character of returning just like Steele, Niju, and other characters from Balto 2 and Balto 1. But Balto 3: Wings of Change was about having everything new about it. That was make my version of Balto 4 using that ideas Aleu, Niju, Steele, and other-characters return rather just cameos. Just keeping the ideas of Kodi Balto son, and his friends Kirby, Dusty, Ralph. To get into the ideas Aleu trying to choose between stay with her parents or keeping with her life living with the wolf-pack.

Whatever happen to Balto from Balto 1,2,3

28 Mar

I’m talking about the cartoon version not the real version. In way have see pictures, stories having Balto nothing like Balto 1, 2,3. Ideas including: Balto with males, females rather Jenna you know female character he save her owner daughter, had kids nothing on the levels off & on relation-ship not like: Charlie Barkin and Sasha LaFur from All dogs to heaven the series together not together together and then not together again. Having romance crush on ever that all-ready have a mated. I didn’t have problem with that because give a character does not mated, can romance-side mated. I’m against on characters all-ready have mates based on didn’t support cheating in any sharp or form, and also feel like not really creative at all. I think creative when paring-up other characters on there choices like then having kids, forever relation-ship, off & on relation-ship, other-things. People maybe said is not rewritering the movies, video-games, TV-shows and the characters to me will that showing maybe showing there love ideas, sequels with kids was bad-ideas, that supporting the ideas in my book. I have thought the ideas people like Balto being bisexual but when think being bisexual having forever relation-ship does not come to mind at all. I think of that a character or characters having off & on relation-ships like Sasha LaFur, Charlie Barkin. I think the ideas, stories, pictures nothing how the characters more fans showing or telling, view stuff that really want see ever nothing how the characters from movies, video-games, TV-show are and how the movies, video-games, TV-shows themes are, content have in then. Balto is one those characters in ways having ideas likes Balto, Steele as enemy from Balto 1 into romance relation-ship, doing it stories, pictures other-things like that, other-things like that.

My review of Balto 2 Wolf Quest Balto series 2/3

16 Mar

This first sequel to Balto 1 if want Steele come-back will very surprised and un-happy because he never mentioned in this sequel, Balto 3: Wings of Change or ever see at all. Maybe think Jonathan Should review Balto 1 first but here is some-thing. This series called Me & Movies didn’t can be any sequel in any franchise or the first movie.

The opening of the movie is: In dreams of Balto, this start off the hold Balto dreams things that a bird chase after he then after that Boris wake he up after that Balto go see Jenna that is have Puppies. Then we go to the puppies bit old then Balto knows a Pole that as Animal faces on then.

Balto, Jenna kids most look like Jenna but one look like dad. Her name is Aleu but some-reason alot spell with Alue. Here is some fact the real Balto you know never had kids, and based on people negative opinion that hate this movie, and Balto 3: Wings of Change. Someone statement this: there’s stuff that’s made up doesn’t make it bad. Lots of movies based on true stories do that.   That is a good answer for those people.  Aleu is voice by Lacey Chabert maybe know as the voice Princess Elias from Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 if are gamer, as other people she is Eliza from Wild Thronberry. Not like other brothers, sisters get a home. As well want talk Aleu voice sound like 5 year old. I thought her voice was deep for a character want in the movie:

Does not really hard the movie, and Lacey Chabert does not bad voice sound young. So then we get that there are sale those puppies off then we get a song you are think is going be like number 1 was that no words but you are wrong about that as words. At the end of the song we knows that one of the puppies. Was never sale he is the one that look like Balto her is Aleu so like the same-thing in Oliver & Company that one does not get sale because one of the main character.

One-day Aleu is all grow-up see a human, and the human bring-up out a hunting rifle almost shot Aleu. But miss then Balto has fight-off the hunter. Balto explain the reason why she half wolf. Aleu run-away. Balto: Balto was very stupid to Alue that she is half dog and half dog when is all grow-up. Then Alue go in a a cave then we get another song and I real hope some did not watch Tom & Jerry the movie that almost all of the character in that movie have a song. Jenna want to help but Boris said be father & daughter have deal this.

Then we meet a return character Grizzle-Bear attack again by this:

When Aleu leaves the crystal cave and sees day light, a huge and furious brown Grizzly Bear attempts to kill Aleu. Balto arrives, distracts the grizzly bear, saves Aleu, they both escape and the grizzly bear disappearsThen Balto, Aleu escape go to the ocean. We meet are villain Niju voice by Mark Hamill wow that is shocking, Nava voice by David Carradine the villain from Kill Bill.
Niju as gang of three that are three wolfs by this picture:
Maybe know that doing the hole main-character, three characters. That did with Steele from Balto 1 but all wolfs. Niju, Balto, Aleu are fighting want know one said : I thought all doggies go to heaven that is reference to All dogs go to heaven 1 but what in world just came-out no where.Niju is on the side stay in the land take food other wolf-packs, Nava is: said we have leave not stay. For is kind in Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts: One said want defense home against enemy’s, and another one want to leave it.So Aleu is on the side with Nava. The ending of this movie this: Aleu leaders with the wolf-pack, Aleu said her good-bye to her papa. Niju run-away, and also we found-out that White wolf from Balto 1 is Balto mom. A character by this picture from Balto 1:

As well we get flash-back of Aleu as a puppy be with her papa. Aleu fate is unknown based on she is not Balto 3: Wings of Change then a flash-back as a puppy. Do think Aleu should comeback: Yes would love see Aleu, Kodi meet each again.
 +Balto is in the movie
+I have good times will this movie
– Aleu sound like 5 year old not did good-job Lacey Chabert but thought could be more deeper.

– The end to the movie is weird for me –

So Orally this movie as that same thing sequel that happends lot’s Disney Movies, Don Bluth movies that people are do the new movie take very long time and feels like did not watch the first of the movie to get a thing in there minds for the sequel. Sometimes are lucky another sequel but like Land Before Time it never ends for that series. But I did knows that try something new out for Balto but did not work but this stay a not bad movie for me.

I give this movie C 66%. This movie is the black Sleep,and hear people like Balto 3: Wings of Change better this movie. The proof is on Imbd.com under the rating by the people who watch the movie. But didn’t hate it think its because My big sister, and watch the movie is role-model, and she like it. The following is: As very big following over 11, 900 likes on FaceBook.com