Tag Archives: Charlie Barkin

6 Characters think share personality trades

23 Jul

1) Hiccup from How to train dragon 1,2

2) SpongebobSquard Pants from TV series, movies

3) Kodi from Balto 3 in Wings of Change

4) Charlie Barkin from All dogs go to heaven 1,2, series, An Dogs Christmas

5) Balto from Balto 1,2,3

6) Edward from Full Mental Alchemists

Top 5 German Shepherds

13 Jul

5) Rex from Fallout New Vegas

4) Charlie Barkin from All dogs go to heaven 1, all dogs go to heaven 2, the series, An Dogs Christmas Carol.

3) Riley from Call of Duty Ghost

2) Ace from Dog City

1) Thunderbolt from 101 Dalamatians the series, 101 Dalmatians animated Movies

Maurice LaMarche role

2 Jul

Maurice LaMarche voice Balto in Balto 2 Wolf Quest, Balto 3 Wings of Change. His voice for the character remind me of Steve Weber trying his voice of Charlie Barkin from All dogs go to heaven the series, An Dogs Christmas. When I found-out this by watching Balto 2 Wolf Quest, Balto 3 Wings of Change the first-time was wow just wow.

Review All dogs to heaven the series episode 1 Doggone Truth Version 2

6 Apr

All dogs go to heaven the series come-out 1996-1998 have 40 episode’s and also Christmas special. If you didn’t count Christmas special of the TV-series you get 40 episode but if you count Christmas special there 41 episodes of the TV-series. I have you see episodes of TV-series on YouTube lot the episode’s of the series will let talk this series. Some-people maybe think there is total of 40 episode but that wrong there 41 episodes because of An Dogs Christmas Carol.

All the voice actor’s from All dogs go to heaven 2 are in series and also all the character’s are back not Red. One thing add change Charlie Barkin voice and Killer from All dogs go to heaven 1 is back.

The first time we see the opening and theme song. That clip’s from All dogs go to heaven 2


Tittle: Doggone Truth

So the tittle of the episode come on screen then we hear Charlie talk someone. Wait Itchy Itchyford will he ok that weird in All dogs go to heaven 2 he leave to go back to heaven. Help charlie and mission’s from Annabelle. So Charlie smile food then Itchy want Charlie for both then to the work. So Charlie wait for his hamburger then go to the floor. Then see Killer wait he is from All dogs go to heaven what the heck. So Charlie and Itchy failure mission. Then white light so we meet Annabelle again from the second one. Annabelle tell view of the show that Charlie has be do not great job help at other. So Annabelle give Charlie and Itchy last change to good deed. So Charlie say let see Sasha then Itchy ok let that. So we see Sasha got kick of The Flea Bit Cafe. Carface and Killer get the deed to the place. That weird Sasha didn’t own the club in the second one. So Charlie has plan to take back the club. So Itchy and Charlie sneak to club that is now Video game arcade that weird dog’s can’t play video game’s paws are not like hands. Will is Saturday cartoon so can pass that. Killer and Carfare all round like both own the city. So Killer and Carface go in Cat store want the stuff. Itchy and Sasha both outside talk some at docks. So Carface and Killer check-out the docks see a casino then go inside. Charlie and Itchy dress-up as girl dog’s. So Carface and Killer in love. So Carface and Killer talk Sasha about to get in women good side. After that Carface and Killer try more get there good side. Then Carface and Killer put music number. Carface sing the song by he get own song in the series. OK after that Sasha tell Carface and Killer give up the deed to Flea Bit Cafe. Then Charlie and itchy, Sasha repair the Flea Bite cafe. The hole building fell’s on Carface and Killer. Then Annabelle tell Charlie and Itchy this a good deed. Can do more mission’s for her. Then credit round.

Will this episode have lot thing we didn’t found-out in anyway

Sasha Own Flea Bit

Itchy Back on earth

Killer is back from All dogs go to heaven

Carface return by from Heck

Sasha & Charlie don’t live will David

Overall is episode of the series is A+ 98%

Good things:

The Opening rocks +

Alot voice actor’s from second one are back +

I like this episode +

Bad Things:

Thing’s that never found out. The stuff that we didn’t found-out is why killer return from the first-movie, Why Itchy on earth, why Sasha own the flea bit, Why Sasha & Charlie don’t live will David, –

Next episode is called Field Trip Ep.2 of the series

Citylights and “backrubs”

5 Apr

This picture including Charlie Barkin doing it with Balto. I have talk about my thoughts on fan-made couple of Balto and Charlie Barkin being that: both Charlie Barkin and Balto all-ready have mates. Charlie Barkin mate in All dogs go to heaven 1 was Flo, and All dogs go to heaven 2,  the series, an dogs Christmas carol Sasha LaFur. Charlie Barkin is a dog can have  off and on relations with other-dogs. At the same-time Balto relation-ship with his mate Jenna is forever love relation-ship. Based people paring-up Charlie Barkin and Balto and make stories, and pictures like this one, like, favorite then. I can said there are people miss the chance paring-up there fan-made character male or female with Charlie Barkin, and as well other off and on relation-ship characters, and single characters.

Whatever happen to Balto from Balto 1,2,3

28 Mar

I’m talking about the cartoon version not the real version. In way have see pictures, stories having Balto nothing like Balto 1, 2,3. Ideas including: Balto with males, females rather Jenna you know female character he save her owner daughter, had kids nothing on the levels off & on relation-ship not like: Charlie Barkin and Sasha LaFur from All dogs to heaven the series together not together together and then not together again. Having romance crush on ever that all-ready have a mated. I didn’t have problem with that because give a character does not mated, can romance-side mated. I’m against on characters all-ready have mates based on didn’t support cheating in any sharp or form, and also feel like not really creative at all. I think creative when paring-up other characters on there choices like then having kids, forever relation-ship, off & on relation-ship, other-things. People maybe said is not rewritering the movies, video-games, TV-shows and the characters to me will that showing maybe showing there love ideas, sequels with kids was bad-ideas, that supporting the ideas in my book. I have thought the ideas people like Balto being bisexual but when think being bisexual having forever relation-ship does not come to mind at all. I think of that a character or characters having off & on relation-ships like Sasha LaFur, Charlie Barkin. I think the ideas, stories, pictures nothing how the characters more fans showing or telling, view stuff that really want see ever nothing how the characters from movies, video-games, TV-show are and how the movies, video-games, TV-shows themes are, content have in then. Balto is one those characters in ways having ideas likes Balto, Steele as enemy from Balto 1 into romance relation-ship, doing it stories, pictures other-things like that, other-things like that.