Tag Archives: rating system

Banned Cub pornography or another-way put it humanoid/anthro children under the age of 18 on furaffinity.net

22 Mar
FA does not permit humanoid/anthro children under the age of 18 to appear in sexually explicit situations. Submissions containing characters of questionable or indeterminable age will be up to the discretion of the administration. Attempts to circumvent this policy is not acceptable, and will result in submissions being removed without notice.

That website would will not ever notice that is complete dumb, and lazy when think of it. Furaffinity.net had a banned to cub porn used accept but then went: Changing the rules, laws like that was complete stupid. Before allowed this stuff on the website then were like this hey let piss-off some members of the website.

Also Cub porn is under 18 stuff but artist, pictures that not on the levels of child pornographic that real-kids against the law for good-reason. Both websites have search-engine rating system from G to for Mature.

Solve the problem on furaffinity: The website just FanFiction.Net was is the big-deal is adult content on a website has adult intents in mind as a website. What my ideas was this keep that content on the website but asking like listen to the people complaint about content.

Whatever happen to there rating system then the staff of the website saiding a better ideas to list the complaint people start deleting or ask the artist or writer to remove the content.

Almost as stupid of people content about violence video-games brain-washing kids to violence things ever that rating system creator that ideas. Do people really read the rating system that just complaining. I think those are the same-ideas happen in U.K. past that were going banned all porn-graph websites think was year ago or two years.

But there is other-websites not as kick you in the freaking-ass.